Bismihi Ta`ala

Allah Ta`ala said in the holy Qur-aan: ‘’ The one who purifies himself has certainly attained success. And then he pronounce the name of his Lord and prays.’’(Surah A`laa:14-15) According to Hazrat Ibn Abbas r.a., the tafseers of this ayah is made such: Purification mentioned here is the acquitting of Zakatul Fitr. And mentioning Allah`s name are takbeers. And salaah means here Eid salaah. So on the day of Eid, finish give Zakatul Fitr(Sadaqatul Fitr), then proceed to the Eid salaah saying the takbeers ‘’Allahou Akbar Allahou Akbar laa ilaaha illallahou Allahou Akbar Allahou Akbar wa lillahil Hamd’’ and then finally pray Eid salaah.(Tafseers: Qurtubi, Dourre Mansour and Ibn Abi Hatim). Although it is not the only tafseers of the ayah, but Allamah Baghawi interceded in favour of this tafseer. Nontheless the tafseer is supported by the following hadith:

عَنْ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ فَرَضَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ زَكَاةَ الْفِطْرِ طُهْرَةً لِلصَّائِمِ مِنْ اللَّغْوِ وَالرَّفَثِ وَطُعْمَةً لِلْمَسَاكِينِ مَنْ أَدَّاهَا قَبْلَ الصَّلَاةِ فَهِيَ زَكَاةٌ مَقْبُولَةٌ وَمَنْ أَدَّاهَا بَعْدَ الصَّلَاةِ فَهِيَ صَدَقَةٌ مِنْ الصَّدَقَاتِابو داود 
Hazrat Ibn Abaas r.a. said that the beloved prophet SAW stipulated the obligation of Zakaat ul Fitr(Sadaqatul Fitr) so as to absolve the shortcoming and faults of the one who fasted. It is also a sustenance for the poor. The one who gave it before Eid salaah, it would be accepted. Else it is a sadaqah after Eid salaah.’’(Abu Dawood)

Sadaqatul Fitr is wajib upon the one who has the nisaab in terms of money, jewellery, land or any asset over and above his necessities. Even though one may not having nisaab in terms of cash or jewellery, but if one has some assets above his necessities, then he has to give out Sadaqatul Fitr. If for example, one has a surplus of furniture in the house that equals or is more than nisaab, then he will liable to pay Sadaqatul Fitr.
As such it is wajib upon the responsible party or parent who provide for the family to give Sadaqatul Fitr from his side and also for his unbaaligh children. But with the permission of the wife and baaligh children, one may give on their behalf also. In brief, one will give sadaqatul fitr on behalf of all those who are dependent on him. Sadaqatul Fitr should be given at last before the salaah of Eid. But it is better to give it now, during Ramadhaan, before Eid so that the poor may prepare for their Eid.

Some ulamas mentioned that one may give on behalf of the house maid also.

The objective of Sadaqatul Fitr is like a sadaqah that purify our fasts and also to help the poor to rejoice the Eid-ul-Fitr. The beloved prophet SAW told us to give the poor Sadaqatul fitr because of mainly this reason: ‘’(Give them sadaqatul fitr) so that they are kept at ease without any need to go out to beg on the day of Eid.’’(Musnad Ahmad) Even someone who did not fast because of sickness or other reasons should give sadaqatul fitr. 
 Hence the recipient of Sadaqatul Fitr are the poor muslims who do not have nisaab. In brief they are recipients of Zakaat. 
It is absolutely better to give money or the most used currency as the value of Sadaqatul Fitr. Although there are ahadiths mentioning giving Sadaqatul Fitr in terms of dates, barley, etc but because these will not achieve to ‘’ease’’ the poor`s poverty nowadays, that is why it is better to give the value of these items in terms of money. Do you think that hundred of kilos of dates in the end of Ramadhaan will help a poor in our country to be at ease on the Eid day? No! But dates was a current currency at the time of the beloved prophet SAW and that is why that was prescribed.

Ask ulamas of your country for the value of the Sadaqatul Fitr. Else it is approximately the retail price of 1.64 kilograms of barley wheat. But rather follow the ulamas of your country.  
Remember that the value of sadaqatul fitr that prevails in the country that you reside at the time of giving, during Ramadhaan that would be taken into consideration. Not the country where it is given.(Shami)
Remember that even during traveling, Sadaqatul fitr stays wajib and still should be given. 
For instance if you are residing in Mauritius, then your Sadaqatul Fitr for Ramadhaan 1443 is Rs 100 per head. 
But if you are working in Saudia Arabia during this Ramadhaan, then even if someone is giving it from your side in Mauritius, then he should give according to the value of Saudia Arabia and not Mauritius. So sadaqatul fitr is valued where the head of the responsible party is and not the place where you are giving.
 We have travellers stranded out of their countries during this pandemic. They must acquit also Sadaqatul fitr if having nisaab as described above. If unable to reach the poor for the time being, then simply make someone a wakeel/agent for you to give the sadaqatul fitr and remit the wakeel money now, before Eid. As such, your sadaqatul fitr will be acquited. 
And if ever Sadaqatul Fitr have not been given before Eid, then its value should be given even after Eid with istighfaar. Because it was wajib to give during ramadhaan, at most before eid salaah. 

Mufti Mackoojee+23057921333
