Zakat should be given to locals or foreigners?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: zakaatZakat should be given to locals or foreigners?
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago

In Mauritius, we used to see many Mawlana, Imam & hafiz coming from India to collect money during the holy month of Ramadhan. Muslims in Mauritius Alhamdulillah in their generosity give them lots of money in terms of Sadaqua, Zakaat and donations. However, in Mauritius we do have many Muslim people living in extreme poverty. What is best recommended; giving sadaqua, Zakaat and donations to these foreign Mawlana, Imam & Hafiz or giving these benefits to our local Muslims brothers and sisters?

1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

We are aware that many collectors come from India for collection. Although we do not doubt their integrity, but according to hadith and fiqh, it is recommended to give your Zakaat to poor muslims of your own country. One should look around for poor people. Else, if you don`t find in your country, then find in countries surrounding you. We have Madagascar and Comoros that are in need of Zakaat. Should one enquire where to give ZAkaat, you may phone us on 57921333.