Because the value of craftsmanship is fictitious in our context. The value of your jewellery is the market value. And in kitaabs we found “Qimah” which means the factual value. That is the realizing or the selling value. So when you sell your jewellery, then this is the taxable value of Zakaat. In Amwaal and Stocks also, we use the same principle. Yes if the craftsmanship would have influenced the selling value of the jewellery, then we would have taken that value in Zakaat calculation. But we see that any type of jewellery would be sold at flat gold weight value. As such, we calculate Zakaat on this value: 18 Carrats Rs 900. And 22 Carrats Rs 1100.
And also we should know that the holy prophet SAW said referring to Zakaat of gold and silver that we should take into consideration the weight of the gold object or jewellery. He ordered us the use weight standard of Makkah(Abu DAwood). In the time of Rasouloullah SAW and sahabas, there were jewelleries and gold antiques. Yet, we don`t find any specification as per craftsmanship. But clearly the weight was used to calculate zakaat.
The ibarat of khilafe jins or to acquit zakaat with a currency other than gold would mean that if ever the craftsmanship had a market value. In practical, this is not the case. Your jewellery of 100 grammes is totally equal in value in front of the buyer to the gold brick of 100 grammes. So in practical life, there are no existence of the value of craftsmanship.
We cannot add something in deen when there is no practicality of it.
Yes, we agree to give even more than existing weight when the product has a higher market value like the antiques. There, we would take into consideration the selling value of the antiques to calculate the zakaat.
We cannot have a principle for other merchandise and another one for jewellery. We have querried ulamas of the world and we found most of them to abide to our analysis. Wallajou a`lam bissawaab.
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