There are conflicts and wars being currently fought in the middle east and other parts of the world and I would like to know when and how will the call for “real islamic jihaad” be made (in the military sense) and when conditions that applies to answer it or support it. My question is mainly due to the difficulty in identifying and differentiating between a real mujaahid and a fighter waging a political war (for example Palestinian statehood, independence of Kashmir etc) Grateful if you could shed some light on this issue please.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: MiscellaneousThere are conflicts and wars being currently fought in the middle east and other parts of the world and I would like to know when and how will the call for “real islamic jihaad” be made (in the military sense) and when conditions that applies to answer it or support it. My question is mainly due to the difficulty in identifying and differentiating between a real mujaahid and a fighter waging a political war (for example Palestinian statehood, independence of Kashmir etc) Grateful if you could shed some light on this issue please.
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

Hazrat Mowlana Yousuf Binnory r.a. answered that even those fighters for their lands also is jihad. When the Kashmir issue was raised during his era, there were people questioning the fight as whether it was jihad or not. Then they concluded that it is factually jihad since the main aim is to uphold muslim faith and defend the muslims. Allah Ta`ala says in the holy Qur-aan: Et qu’avez-vous à ne pas combattre dans le sentier d’Allah, et pour la cause des faibles: hommes, femmes et enfants qui disent: «Seigneur! Fais-nous sortir de cette cité dont les gens sont injustes, et assigne-nous de Ta part un allié, et assigne-nous de Ta part un secoureur»(4:75) This ayat was revealed when there were a few muslims left in Makkah and were persecuted. As such Allah Ta`ala ordered the jihad to save them.