The Qur’an commands us to respond to a greeting in a better manner than the one we receive. Kindly give us the correct view if we are greeted with Assalaamou alaykoum from a non muslim. Should we reply wa alaykoum Salaam? What if they add wa Rahmatoullahi wa barakaatou as well.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: MiscellaneousThe Qur’an commands us to respond to a greeting in a better manner than the one we receive. Kindly give us the correct view if we are greeted with Assalaamou alaykoum from a non muslim. Should we reply wa alaykoum Salaam? What if they add wa Rahmatoullahi wa barakaatou as well.
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

The better greeting is for a muslim. For a non muslim, the answer is found in Bukhari: Say ”Alaik”.