My grandmother passed away and she never performed hajj. After her death, we gathered her jewellery and her money at bank and found that her wealth was sufficient for her to perform hajj. Is it compulsory for us to perform hajj on her behalf?
Know that the condition for hajj to be farz on a lady, that during any hajj period of her life, she had not only the money to pay for her own hajj, but she should be wealthy enough to sponsor her mahram`s hajj. If your grandmother`s surplus assets(jewellery,cash, business stock,etc) could afford for two hajj package, then only it would have been compulsory for her to perform hajj. Should hajj have been farz on her and she never performed it, then it was farz on her to make somebody make hajj for her on her behalf during her lifetime or else it was wajib for her to write a will to errand somebody to do hajj on her behalf after her death. If she made any verbal wish or written will during her life, then it would be compulsory for the heirs to fulfil her will from her estate. The wasiyah or the will to errand somebody to perform hajj on her behalf after death will be valid up to the limit of one third of the whole estate. If ever the hajj package expenses exceed one third of the estate, then the will not be fulfilled unless the heirs accept to give from their shares. Else the amount of money of the will may be given to someone who accept to make her hajj on that limited amount. Wallahou a`lam bissawaab.