I would like to ask some questions about Lucky Draw. I received some Lucky Draw Prizes Entry from a Magazine Company. I didn’t pay any money and request anything for that from them. They just sent to me by free. If I get a prize from them. Is it Halal to use?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: MiscellaneousI would like to ask some questions about Lucky Draw. I received some Lucky Draw Prizes Entry from a Magazine Company. I didn’t pay any money and request anything for that from them. They just sent to me by free. If I get a prize from them. Is it Halal to use?
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

Lucky Draw without paying money is permissible. But because there is tashbeeh or resemblance between the haraam draw-paying lottery- and this one, then ulamas withdrew permissibility of this draw also.