I recently watched a documentary on Osama Bin Laden and by his humble manner of speaking he appeared in every way to be a true Muslim and I am convinced he was truly a mujahid in the cause of Allah, and all that was said about him were abject lies. An ayat was quoted in the documentary Surah 2 Ayah 114 if i’m not mistaken in which it was stated to respond with transgression with an equal transgression meaning if a yahood killed a muslim we are authorised to do the same. However I also remember a hadith which mentions answering evil with good. Could you please give the correct view regarding the above.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: MiscellaneousI recently watched a documentary on Osama Bin Laden and by his humble manner of speaking he appeared in every way to be a true Muslim and I am convinced he was truly a mujahid in the cause of Allah, and all that was said about him were abject lies. An ayat was quoted in the documentary Surah 2 Ayah 114 if i’m not mistaken in which it was stated to respond with transgression with an equal transgression meaning if a yahood killed a muslim we are authorised to do the same. However I also remember a hadith which mentions answering evil with good. Could you please give the correct view regarding the above.
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

The Qur-aan and sunnah has prescribed to first give da`wah and invite others to Islam with gentle and wisdom words so as they may accept it. Islam has not come to oppress any society brutally without them being invited to Laa ilaaha illallah. We have also being instructed not to be forceful on a nation to accept Islam or even to enforce Islamic law on them without them being invited to submission. As such you cannot apply Islamic law on a people without them accepting it. Our era is comparable to the era of Makkah for the prophet SAW. We need to be patient and keep steadfast for inviting others to complete Islam. Then will come a time when Jihad will become necessary. It is said that one should have at least that level of enthusiasm to fight and give one`s life for the sake of deen to be a true muslim. But the time is for da`wah and tabligh. Allah Ta`ala said: ”Keep your hands down” and do not reply to the oppression of kafirs except by wisdom words to invite them to the truth. The Islamic activity of the time is da`wah and tabligh without violence.