Allah Ta`ala has His established principles and protocols. He will definitely not react against these principles. We can get an idea of His principles from the Qur-aan principally and also sunnah of Nabi (SAW). Allah Ta`ala has promised His help to those who are steadfast in creed and good actions. All muslims have creed Alhamdulillah, but we lack good actions. The main daily obligation is 5 times salaah. If we take a survey on that worldwide, we find that the percentage of muslims praying daily salaahs is below 10 %.
Allah Ta`ala has promised His help when the majority of the muslims are pious. So we need 51% of muslims praying so as to start having the help of Allah. In brief if a society produce 51% of good deeds with imaan, then that society would be protected insha Allah. Furthermore, some ulamas advocate that together with good deeds, we absolutely need to change our daily life and clothing. Mu`aasharat or the way to spend our life need to be Islamic, then Allah Ta`ala help a muslim community. The wedding happening, the clothing, the way of eating, drinking and also social inter-action need to be Islamic for us to attract the mercy of Allah Ta`ala.
Indeed we lack Mu`asharat in all over the world. That is why, we are suffering from our down fall and oppressions. But on the other hand, we have hope that all these suffering is contributing for the upliftment and strengthening of muslims worldwide. Allah Ta`ala said about Bani Israeel, that we have made them super power due to their patience that they undertook during their enslavement under the reign of Pharaoh:
Et les gens qui étaient opprimés, Nous les avons fait hériter les contrées orientales et occidentales de la terre que Nous avons bénies. Et la très belle promesse de ton Seigneur sur les enfants d’Israël s’accomplit pour prix de leur endurance. Et Nous avons détruit ce que faisaient Pharaon et son peuple, ainsi que ce qu’ils construisaient.(7:137)
And finally, we should know that the wheel of power and reign is distributed through time. Allah Ta`ala want to turn the wheel of power to the non muslims nowadays. That is why muslims should not go fight against this will. but rather be patient and keep faith in Allah to die as a muslim. During the era of Makkah, the holy prophet SAW did not answer any crime against muslims. It is the will of Allah for us to be patient under the Kafir reigh and besieges. Read this ayah: Si une blessure vous atteint, pareille blessure atteint aussi l’ennemi. Ainsi faisons-Nous alterner les jours (bons et mauvais) parmi les gens, afin qu’Allah reconnaisse ceux qui ont cru, et qu’Il choisisse parmi vous des martyrs – et Allah n’aime pas les injustes(3:140)
Our work should be to strenghen the muslims through strengthening of salaah and deen conscious. We need to bring together the heart and muslim countries also. The upper hand of others is due also of our split in the muslim world. To remedy all this, we found the tabligh jamaat is an ideal path to take so as to contribute to the beneficence of the ummah. Good deeds, group work and concern for the ummah.