I love a guy! We were together for two months and a half! we loved each other dearly but because i fight with him everyday he left me! I love him and don’t want to lose him please help me what should I do?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: MiscellaneousI love a guy! We were together for two months and a half! we loved each other dearly but because i fight with him everyday he left me! I love him and don’t want to lose him please help me what should I do?
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

It was zina and adultery and attracted the Creator`s anger and wrath. That is why there was fight between you. You should do tawbah and istighfaar. We suggest that you sit and wait for a proper request for nikah. During that time, there are duas that can be done: Rabbi zawwijni zawjan salihan.