I have learnt that women are not allowed to go in mixed gatherings including wedding of close relatives. In case of a wedding where as one of the duties of a muslim is to attend, what is the rule? Is there exceptions that they can go in market or shops but not in wedding?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: MiscellaneousI have learnt that women are not allowed to go in mixed gatherings including wedding of close relatives. In case of a wedding where as one of the duties of a muslim is to attend, what is the rule? Is there exceptions that they can go in market or shops but not in wedding?
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

When there is haraam and halaal mixed up, then abstain. That it is a duty to answer an invitation. But it is haraam to have intermingled gatherings with the opposite sex