I don’t have a mahram to go for hajj

DWQA QuestionsCategory: hajjI don’t have a mahram to go for hajj
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago

I don’t have a mahram to go for hajj. Is hajj farz on me, even if I don’t have a mahram? Must I make a wassiyah ?

1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

Hajj becomes farz when one has the means for it. Meaning one should have the means for his journey, for the expenses during his stay there until he returns and also for his family during his absence. If he doesn’t possess so much money then hajj is not farz on him. For a woman, she should have an amount of money which is sufficient for her and her mahram, for hajj to be farz on her. If she has the means which is sufficient for her only, then hajj is not farz on her. Hajj is not farz on a woman who doesn’t have a mahram to accompany her. If she didn’t get a mahram until before she dies, then she should make a wassiyah for someone to perform hajj on her behalf. Note that only one third of her inheritance may be used for wassiayah. The inheritors may co-operate and give their share of inheritance to fulfill this wassiyah if money is less.