My daughter is a lawyer and lives in England. She asked me to take out sadaqatul fitr on her behalf, here in Mauritius. How much should I take out?
I’m a Malagasy but work in Mauritius. I celebrated eid in Mauritius, but I sent a message to my cousin to take out sadaqatul fitr on my behalf in Madagascar. Should he evaluate it according to the value in Mauriuts or Madagascar? And for my kids also, what value should I consider?
You must evaluate her sadaqatul fitr according to the value in England.
Your sadaqatul fitr should be taken out according to the value in Mauritius, even if it is being taken out in Madagascar. Same for your kids (i.e. according to the value in Mauritius). Because the main person is you and you are in Mauritius. (Shami, Bahrur Raiq)