Can a doctor or a lawyer tell his poor muslim patient or client that ‘’whatever you owe me as fees, you can keep it as acquittal for my Zakaat’’?
No. Zakaat needs that the money be given in the hands of the recipient in full choice without any intention of any kind of favour in return. But fuqahas suggested a way out of this(Hilah) in the case of a poor muslim patient or a poor client. The doctor or lawyer may give the poor patient the Zakaat money in his hands without any restriction or condition on his side. Then after the patient is in full possession of the Zakaat money, the doctor may request the patient to pay the fees with the money he received. The patient will have the right to refuse as it is now his own money. SHAMI
وهذا معنى قول الكنز: تمليك المال: أي المعهود إخراجه شرعا (من قطع المنفعة عن الملك من كل وجه) فلا يدفع لاصله وفرعه (لله تعالى) بيان لاشتراط النية. وَحِيلَةُ الْجَوَازِ أَنْ يُعْطِيَ مَدْيُونَهُ الْفَقِيرَ زَكَاتَهُ ثُمَّ يَأْخُذَهَا عَنْ دَيْنِهِ