Bismihi Ta`ala ISLAM: THE PEACEFUL RELIGION. Islam has come to bring peace in the human heart, the society and the world. Since it is the only religion that has ruled the world without any wars with the intellectual sciences prevailing during every era, it has won the colour of humanity. Had Galileo been a muslim in the Islamic empire, he would have been a scientific hero. But unfortunately the church rejected the solar system theory that he said first in Europe and they condemned him under house arrest until he died. The underdevelopment of the then world was ruled by muslim scientists that had the verses of the Creator of the earth and the universe and the textual words of the visitor of the skies: prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Our teacher Mowlana Shabir Saloojee, may Allah Ta`ala give him health and `afiyah(Ameen), compelled us to learn Astronomy with an examination syllabus during our free time in Madrassah Zakarrya. It is because lot`s of ayahs of the Qur-aan and ahadiths are well linked to the present scientific discoveries. Hazrat Mufti Radha ul Haq used to say Science is the consequent findings of the Creator`s accomplishments. I remember teacher Ahmad Sa`eed d.b., our Astronomy teacher, saying that science that time believed that space was filled with vacuum. But Islam says that the space is full of angels. Now lately they found that the sky is filled with what they called ‘’dark matter’’ that they felt their gravities in the sky. In fact angels are not dark matter, but rather ‘’white light matter creations’’. Because of the change of the findings of scientists, that is why we should not extrapolate directly ayahs and ahadiths and do tafseers of Qur-aan by science. But like Hazrat Mowlana Binnory r.a. told professor Hamidullah of France that rather say that ‘’under this scientific finding, this ayah may means that explanation. Wallahu A`lam.’’ Anyhow, when Cats Stevens/Yusuf Islam embraced Islam, or when Junaid Jamshed left his sinful lifestyle and embraced the path of Tableegh and Taqwa, then there is only one answer that they give for this radical change: ‘’Our heart got peace.’’ These singers were living a luxurious lifestyle with the highest means of pleasures and comforts and yet had no peace. It is because it is only in mentioning the name of Allah that the human heart finds peace: أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ ‘‘Listen properly: It is only by the remembrance of Allah that the hearts will find peace.’’(13:28) The following hadith clearly defines Islam as the submission of the heart to Allah Ta`ala. أخبرنا أحمد بن علي بن المثنى ، قال : حدثنا إبراهيم بن الحجاج السامي ، قال : حدثنا حماد بن سلمة ، عن أبي قزعة ، عن حكيم بن معاوية ، عن أبيه ، أنه قال : يا رسول الله ، والذي بعثك بالحق ، ما أتيتك حتى حلفت عدد أصابعي هذه أن لا آتيك ، فما الذي بعثك به ؟ قال : « الإسلام » ، قال : وما الإسلام ؟ ، قال : « أن تسلم قلبك لله ، وأن توجه وجهك لله ، وأن تصلي الصلاة المكتوبة ، وتؤدي الزكاة المفروضة ، أخوان نصيران ، لا يقبل الله من عبد توبة أشرك بعد إسلامه » ابن حبان Islam brings first the cohesion, the connection and equilibrium peace that weld the creation to The Creator. In brief it brings inner peace. Islam secondly explains perfectly the path of human history and the existence of the world and the skies. The ruins of Babylon, the inert body of Pharaoh, the ruins of Thamood are amongst the consequent scars of disobedience of the human history. The sky above us is a protective mantle against Meteoroids (rocks from the space entering the earth`s atmosphere). وَزَيَّنَّا السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا بِمَصَابِيحَ وَحِفْظًا ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ ‘’And we have decorated the sky of the earth with stars and also a means of protection. This is the executing decision of the Most Strong, The All Knowing.’’(41:12) The Coran explains the function of nature with exactness as proof that all are managed by one God. Synchronized static sunrise, sea tides, the crescent etc are all programmed by One system Manager: Allah Ta’ala. In fact, contrary to other religion that define things with an imaginary fantasy or an exaggerated ambiguity, Islam defines every single matter around us with exactness and on earth reality. Not a surprise that the African continent together with asia and the gulf accepted Islam and is still living it peacefully. Like every religion and every country, Islam proclaim its limits of defence, its zeal to empowerment and spreading the peaceful religion. Had there been a sickness, the only way to cure it is to pass the skin and attain the interior of the body. The temporary military intrusion of muslims into the reluctant monarchs were only to gift the populace living in there with a peaceful religion. Thereafter enjoy the peace of Islam and if died upon it, then eternal peace awaits us, Insha Allah. From all these clear proofs that Islam teaches and still to be discovered forward, Islam drives the humanity with its vast intellectual enrichment. We are only asked the challenge to believe in the unseen to achieve peaceful social life and the final goal of the other world. Without this internal creed that God is always watching over us, humans will fail on every ground. Highly educated ministers have failed with corruption, aid workers of united nations supposedly to give the food to refugees are now trading these food for sex, a person will kill egoistically for his own benefit, step fathers abusing their step children, etc. Islam is the solution for human inner peace, social peace and financial optimum progress. Mufti Mackoojee @MuftiMackoojee +23057921333 |
ISLAM:The Peaceful Religion.
By JonSnow0334