Bismihi Ta`ala
*Most splits happen when less consideration is given to the more ancient and more experienced of any field. It has been observed that when no proper respect due is given to the great potentials of that particular field, then wait for a two wing situation tomorrow.*
*The sunnah teaches us to bring forward and put forward the great potentials of that field. The beloved prophet SAW used to say about Khalid bin walid r.a. that if he submit to Islam, then we will put him in front and treat him with honour. At the conquest of Makkah, under the request of Abbaas r.a. Rasouloullah SAW gave honour to the chief of Qureish, Abu Sufyaan, to treat his house as an asylum. That is Islam does not dishonour human potentials, provided they are muslims. Because the greatest barrier to bring members of two wings into one is that they may be treated without honour and be chopped out of the front line. So once they are reassured that they would be occupying the front line, then they would be more willing to come for a reconciliation.*
*Who could be more perfect in administrative distribution than Rasouloullah SAW? When he was about to give the key of the Ka`bah, he was told to give to the one who had the potential for it: Usman bin Talha. Rasouloullah SAW said: ‘’When works will be distributed to the ones who has no potential for it, then wait for end of the world.’’(Bukhari)*
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا ضيعت الأمانة فانتظر الساعة قال كيف إضاعتها يا رسول الله قال إذا أسند الأمر إلى غير أهله فانتظر الساعة
*My teacher, Mufti Radha ul Haq d.b. told us that any work given to the one who has no potential for it, then wait havoc/qiyamah happens to that work.*
So respect and honour the potentials. In that respect, respect should be given to the opposite wing potentials. In no case should disrespect be shown to Ulamas, be it from any wing.
*It has been observed lately that some wing do not respect the opposite wing`s ulamas. This is not permissible and against the protocols of shariah to disrespect ulamas.*
*When someone in the majlis of Mowlana Thanwi r.a. took the name of his opponent Mowlana Hussein Ahmad Madani r.a. without the title of ‘’Mowlana’’, then Mowlana Thanwi did not approve him anymore in his majlis.
*It has been a while now that hazrat Mowlana Ahmad Laat sahab daamat Barakaatuhu whispered in my ear an anecdote about respect of an alim that has really marked me. I have hesitated to talk to anyone about it, but nonetheless I will do it now because I have seen a trend of disrespect towards ulamas.*
*Mowlana Ahmad Laat d.b. started that there was a magnate and extremely very wealthy person in the beginning of last century. His business extended from Rander, Surat, Mumbai to Singapore including Mauritius. We have records in Mauritius that this person solely was donating thousands of rupees at that time to muslim societies and masjids. With my own eyes, I have read his name on waqf of Yatim khanas and masjids in Rander and Surat. As if he had a monopoly on wealth and business.*
*Nontheless, one day it so happened, out of arrogance, that person clapped a renowned alim that was young at that time. Mowlana mentioned that the alim was a writer of Tafseer Usmani. I would suggest that it was Mowlana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani r.a. Wallahu A`lam. Mowlana Shabbir or that Mowlana did not return him his clap, but he just told the magnate that ‘’Seit Ji! People will not even wish to lift your mayat.’’ A curse in return of a clap.
After some time there was pest in the Rander Surat region of Gujrat. The magnate person was inflicted with that pest. It is said that his family left him outside the house and did not let him in. Finally that magnate person died on the pavement outside his house. No one wanted to lift his mayat and he was thrown direct to the Tapi river to prevent the pest to proliferate. The curse of that Alim in return of a clap finished that person completely dying even worse than a beggar. No salaah and no kafan for the one whose investment was multi national. He was dropped like a garbage in the Tapi river.*
*Allah Ta`ala is very severe as to disrespect of ulamas. Today we hear not even one business name we hear on that magnate`s name. He faded, his name faded, his wealth faded. This is the end result of a curse of ONE alim. And yet that person was spending extensively on matters of deen. This is the decision of a Lord that has no reckoning to give to anyone.*
*So we should fear that Allah that may erase us completely on one mistake. Those Seits, Presidents of Masjids and Societies and those Magnates of yesterday who did not care for the representative of deen of Allah have had no barkahs in their progeny nor their wealth. We are not judge. But we are all without exception subject to the final judgement of the All Mighty.
Caring for ulamas starts by taking the care to keep in touch with ulamas. Then taking the care to have ulamas in your progeny. Because many urgent/delicate maslas need an alim in the family. I have seen parents that took care of their ulamas children and grand children live long Alhamdulillah. Wealth, honour and name stayed for generations in those family that took care to give one or two of their members to be ulamas. As if Allah Ta`ala distribute the king cards to those holding the care, the progeny and the respect of ulamas.*
*Mowlana Ilyas r.a. was born on a wedding bond made on the basis of respecting representative of deen and giving an alim a young daughter. Many claim to respect the deen of Allah and yet disrespect ulamas. Our akaabirs taught us that one may support a wing of ulamas politics but should never disrespect the other wing of ulamas. Mufti Mahmoodul Hassan Gangohi r.a. said that ‘’I make Qassam on Allah that all persons who died with disrespect of any alim have had his face turned away from Qiblah in their qabrs!’’
This is grave issue that our name, honour, wealth and progeny depends on. That is why never look for the curse of an Alim. Ask him forgiveness if you have been arrogant to him. Treat him with respect and gift him as he is the inheritor of the beloved prophet SAW. Because his heartful duas are very well accepted.*
Mufti Mackoojee