Bismihi Ta`ala*THOSE WHO DARED AND THOSE WHO CARED.* *Humans look alike. But their inner qualities and their actions differentiate them from each other. They live together side by side in…
Day: February 15, 2021
The permissibility of distributing part of Qur-aan or any hizb amongst voluntaries or whatsapp group,provided read individually.
Permissiblity of sharing Qur-aan Juzs on whatsapp group-2019/1440.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *PERMISSIBILITY OF SHARING QUR-AAN JUZS ON WHATSAPP GROUP-2019/1440.* *First of all, we already wrote on the subject on permissibility of sharing Juzs in WhatsApp group on condition that…
Aaram se raho. Gunah se bacho.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *AARAAM SE RAHO. GUNAH SE BACHO.* *Hazrat Mowlana Thanwi r.a. used to say : ‘’Live at ease and take care to stay away from sins.’’ It is possible…
The moderate ummah-part 6.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MODERATE UMMAH-PART 6.* *The beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam used to be moderate on food intake also. He used to equilibrate the nature of the food…
The moderate ummah:Priority to Humans.Part 7.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MODERATE UMMAH:PRIORITY TO HUMANS.Part 7.* *We live in a world of evolution. Formerly, an Indian should leave his home several months before the Hajj season to complete…
The moderate ummah:Give priority to Humans.Part 8
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MODERATE UMMAH:GIVE PRIORITY TO HUMANS.Part 8.* *Animal population control.* *In certain tropical countries, we are witnessing a considerable increase of the bats population. The reason is that…
Mind Your Language!
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*MIND YOUR LANGUAGE!*عن الأعمش عن أبي وائل عن مسروق عن عبد الله بن عمرو رضي الله عنهما قاللم يكن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فاحشا ولا متفحشا وكان يقول…
The moderate ummah-part5.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MODERATE UMMAH-Part 5.* *The perfection of religious apogee is to have close connection to The Creator-Allah Ta`ala- and also having a saint plausible relationship with humans and…
The cause of downfall.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE CAUSE OF DOWNFALL.* *Sins are the cause of downfall of any Ummah that existed on the surface of the earth. Allah Ta`ala says: ‘’Havocs reached the edge…
*Main Personalities that matters, Not place.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *MAIN PERSONALITIES THAT MATTERS, NOT PLACE.* *Know that Allah Ta`ala has mentioned in the Glorious Qur-aan that we would first meet his great servants and then afterwards enter the…
Terrorism against muslims.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *TERRORISM AGAINST MUSLIMS.* *If you shoot at defenceless people in the Masjids or you send white phosphorous from planes upon defenceless civilians, then this is a cowardice act.…
*Muslims cannot celebrate St Valentine*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*MUSLIMS CANNOT CELEBRATE ST VALENTINE.* Celebration of St Valentine day is an emblem of the Christian faith. As such celebrating St Valentine day on 14th Febuary is associated with…
Fi Sabilillah encompasses going in jamaat also.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala We find that Fi Sabilillah encompasses going in jamaat also by the proof of the hadith mentioned below: حدثنا علي بن عبد الله قال حدثنا الوليد بن مسلم…
The Tawakkul Accompanied With Precautions.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE TAWAKKUL ACCOMPANIED WITH PRECAUTIONS.* *About more than 10 times, the Qur-aan has ordained us to put our trust in Allah Ta`ala:*وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ *Believers should keep their…
The moderate ummah-part 4.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MODERATE UMMAH-Part 4.* *I met some people that thought that they need not to work. They hold the view that tawakkul is to avoid asbaab/means and they made…
The moderate ummah-part 1.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MODERATE UMMAH-Part 1.* *Allah Ta’ala said:* كَذَلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا *‘’And like this, We have made you a moderate Ummah, so…
The moderate ummah-part 2
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE MODERATE UMMAH-PART 2.* *Allah Ta`ala has created us with means against logic. Mud, water and soul breath directly from Allah Ta`ala. Then Allah Ta`ala nurtured us in the…
The moderate ummah-part 3
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MODERATE UMMAH-Part 3.*يَا أَيُّهَا الرُّسُلُ كُلُوا مِنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَاعْمَلُوا صَالِحًا إِنِّي بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ عَلِيمٌ *Allah Ta`ala has ordered the moderate ummah to eat only from Halaal pure…
Smoke And Smoking.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *SMOKE AND SMOKING.* The smoke of burning wood or charcoal for cooking food does not affect Sawm/roza. Because such smoke or car smoke or smoke of someone smoking…
Boycott China for its enslavement policy on Uyghur Muslims.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *BOYCOTT CHINA FOR ITS ENSLAVEMENT POLICY ON UYGHUR MUSLIMS.* *Living in the 21st century who would have thought the audacity and criminality of the actual Chinese government to…
Hanafis do isaale sawaab and not salaah in absentia.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *HANAFIS DO ISAALE SAWAAB AND NOT SALAAH IN ABSENTIA.* It is the great bounty of Allah that we have different mazahibs that co-exist in this world. The principle…
Is Iran an American Ally?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *IS IRAN AN AMERICAN ALLY?* *For the past decades there has been many threat exchange between the US and Iran. But they never attacked Iran. Lots of show-off…
20 Rakaats Taraweeh and 3 Witr.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *20 Rakaats Taraweeh and 3 Witr*The continous 20 rakaats over 14 centuries in Madinah Munawarah together with this hadith of Bukhari is clear Proof that 20 rakaats Taraweeh is…
Jamaat is fisabilillah.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *JAMAAT IS FISABILILLAH.* Going in the path of Allah with the intention to establish deen in oneself and the ummah is Fisabilillah. In fact, the true Fisabilillah is…
The key of Ikhlass.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaTHE KEY OF IKHLAAS. A door does not open without a key. In the same way, any good action does not get accepted in front of Allah Ta`ala without…
Glad tidings awaiting muslims.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Glad tidings awaiting muslims* The beloved prophet Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam said that there are nothing left from prophetic revelation except mubashiraat(glad tidings). When asked about mubashiraat, rasouloullah SAW…
Husnat tadbeer-The wisdom of well planification.
By JonSnow0*Bismihi Ta`ala* *Husnat tadbeer-the wisdom of well planification.* حسن التدبير *To ponder and think about the consequences of any initiative is sunnah. Good planification is the quality of a mu-min.…
The Inhuman Sadistical Trend.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE INHUMAN SADISTICAL TREND*. *The act of gay lesbian bisexual or transsexual is against the basic human values and against the human nature. Lately some countries made a…
Martyr Hafiz Muhammad Morsi Rahmatullah Alaihi.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Martyr Hafiz Muhammad Morsi Rahmatullah Alaihi. It is rare to find a sincere pious political leader nowadays. A leader that will put forward the principle of God to…
Masnoon Duas Of Ramadhaan.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *MASNOON DUAS OF RAMADHAAN.* *DURING RAMADHAAN READ LOT:* *1.Laa ilaaha illallah* *2.Astaghfirullah* *3 et 4. Seek Jannah from Allah Ta`ala and seek protection from hell fire:* *Allahoumma inni…
The Sunnah Diet.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE SUNNAH DIET.* Our beloved prophet Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam came with solution on all aspects of our life. Be it social, political or individual. In fact, he is…
The foot steps of Prophets around Mi;raj,
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE FOOT STEPS OF PROPHETS AROUND MI’RAJ.* *Allah Ta`ala referred to Maqaame Ibrahim as the stone marked with the footsteps of Hazrat Ibrahim a.s. as His sign.* فِيهِ…
Democracy or Modern Colonialism?
By JonSnow0DEMOCRACY OR MODERN COLONIALISM? *Democracy was the outcry of revolution after colonialism and slavery. Humans wanted to set a more just mode for distribution of power and wealth. People wanted…
Isaale Sawaab do reach the deceased muslim.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *ISAALE SAWAAB DO REACH THE DECEASED MUSLIM.* *The effects of good actions will benefit the living definitely and also benefit the dead muslim if intention was done for…
Have you stocked for this Ramadhaan?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Have you stocked for this Ramadhaan?*عَنْ عُبَيْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عُتْبَةَ أَنَّ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا قَالَكَانَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَجْوَدَ النَّاسِ بِالْخَيْرِ…
What is your net worth?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *WHAT IS YOUR NET WORTH?* *Nowadays it has become very common to evaluate someone`s prestige and honour with his net worth. That is we evaluate a person`s importance…
Be careful of modern satanic voices.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *BE CAREFUL OF MODERN SATANIC VOICES.**Allah Ta`ala has described the first pull power of Shaitaan towards evil is his voice:*وَاسْتَفْزِزْ مَنِ اسْتَطَعْتَ مِنْهُمْ بِصَوْتِكَ*”And entice(attract) with your voice…
Madinah Ziyaarats*
By JonSnow0*MADINAH ZIYAARATS**with Ml Abdullah Jeena* 📌Whatsapp *00966507038182* *_Three different Ziyaarats_* _____________________________ 1. *Madinah Ziyaarat* – We stop and…
OPERATION: Turn off the lights.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *OPERATION: TURN OFF THE LIGHTS.* *Although information has reached its apogee whereby the news from onecorner of the world is transmitted within seconds around the globe, but still…
Muslims leaders are supporting cultural genocide of Uighur nation.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Muslim leaders are supporting cultural genocide of Uighur nation.* Last week about 22 countries wrote a letter to the united nation to raise the concern about the violation…
Adultrous Games
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala*ADULTEROUS GAMES**Be it Olympics or main Sports events, unfortunately officials have set adultery in the background of these games. These games are encouraged in a completely free sex environment…
Glad Tidings Awaiting Kashmir.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *GLAD TIDINGS AWAITING KASHMIR.* The birth of a child is a happy news. Although through pregnancy, lots of uncomfortable phases had befell the mother and the final birth painful…
The Blindfold Competition.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE BLINDFOLD COMPETITION.* اعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَزِينَةٌ وَتَفَاخُرٌ بَيْنَكُمْ وَتَكَاثُرٌ فِي الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَوْلَادِ كَمَثَلِ غَيْثٍ أَعْجَبَ الْكُفَّارَ نَبَاتُهُ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَاهُ مُصْفَرًّا ثُمَّ يَكُونُ حُطَامًا The Qur-aan…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE DECEITFUL WORLD.* *The Qur-aan advise us to be precautious when living in this world because its temptations are deceitful.* فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّكُمُ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا يَغُرَّنَّكُمْ بِاللَّهِ الْغَرُور*Let not…
The morning Sunnah Walk.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MORNING SUNNAH WALK.* *The beloved prophet Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam adopted a healthy lifestyle and he encouraged others to be healthy. The means to attain divine pleasure is through…
Memories of Hazrat Mufti Meerun R.A
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala MEMORIES OF HAZRAT MUFTI MEERUN R.A. Hazrat Mufti Meerun sahab r.a. was a down to earth humble person from youth. Although he was brilliant, he kept this character…
Gujurat Massacre.
By JonSnow0GUJARAT MASSACRE February – March 2002 It should not be forgotten… The Chief Minister of Gujarat at that time, Narendra Modi, was accused of initiating and condoning the violence, as…
Causes of Riots,Insecurity,Social Unrest,Wars And Pollutions And what are their Remedies..
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *CAUSES OF RIOTS, INSECURITY, SOCIAL UNREST, WARS AND POLLUTIONS AND WHAT ARE THEIR REMEDIES.* The main cause of riots, insecurity, social unrest, wars and pollutions is sins. The…
So the whole population of Kashmir are Terrorists?*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *SO THE WHOLE POPULATION OF KASHMIR ARE TERRORISTS?* *The Indian government justify the lockdown on Kashmir as a suppression tactics against terrorism. The question is that the lockdown…
Standing positions in Salaah
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *When a musalli is coming to join the jamaat and the imaam is already in Ruku’, then the musalli should say Takbeer raising hands and leave the hands…
Do your maths Today.-Part 1.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *DO YOUR MATHS TODAY.-Part 1.* *Allah Ta`ala has blessed us with life to see whether we perform good actions or we perform bad. The aftermath of these actions…
Do your maths Today-Part 2.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*Do your maths Today-Part 2.**Allah Ta`ala has given us a body full of joints that facilitate us in our daily tasks. The finger joints enable ulamas to hold pen…
Value your local Ulamas.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*VALUE YOUR LOCAL ULAMAS**It is a trend to import Sheikhs/Lecturers/Ulamas for special occasions or times to times. Together with this trend, we should value our local ulamas. Because they…
Musallis on the mataaf in Makkah.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *MUSALLIS ON THE MATAAF IN MAKKAH.* *If you are reading salaah in Jama’ah on the mataaf in Makkah, then you should observe that you are not in front…
Economics Against ALL Ethics.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *ECONOMICS AGAINST ALL ETHICS.**From the split of Pakistan and India, there was a speculation for Kashmir. Kashmir, that time, was an independent state that contained muslim majority and yet…
Some questions i've been asked by children.
By JonSnow0Some questions I’ve been asked by children. They are very inquisitive and intelligent mashaAllah 1. Who created Allah? 2. It doesn’t scientifically make sense that no one created Allah. 3.…
Medical sunnah against Covid-19
By JonSnow0Alhamdullilah, insha Allah, we have the cure for this virus in honey and black seed. Don’t you worry my people. Do you effort and hv tawakkul in Allah. I’m telling my…
*The pandemic Covid-19*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *The pandemic Covid-19.* The sickness Covid-19 causes death. Hence it should be treated seriously as an epidemic or a pandemic. There are two groups of ahadiths as to sicknesses.…
The protection of home and salaah.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaTHE PROTECTION OF HOME AND SALAAH.Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam recommended us to take protection of the house in times of fitnahs. Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said: ‘’Stay in your…
The sacred month of rajab announcing the coming of Ramadhaan.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE SACRED MONTH OF RAJAB ANNOUNCING THE COMING OF RAMADHAAN.* *The most important calender for us is the lunar calender. It is because the obligations of religion depend mainly on…
*Muslims cannot celebrate ST Valentine*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *MUSLIMS CANNOT CELEBRATE ST VALENTINE.* Celebration of St Valentine day is an emblem of the Christian faith. As such celebrating St Valentine day on 14th Febuary is associated with…
The Salaah of Solar Eclipse.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala The Salaah of Solar Eclipse. There is some scientific projections of solar eclipse today. This calculation may be used as a point of reference for us to look for it, but…
Jum'ah second Azaan should be given in front of Mimbar.
By JonSnow0JUM`AH SECOND AZAAN SHOULD BE GIVEN IN FRONT OF MIMBAR. The most important azaan that is given on the day of Jum`ah is that one that is given before Jum`ah Khutbah.…
Jummah dans situation LOCKDOWN.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *JUMMAH DANS SITUATION LOCKDOWN.* *Après consultation de banne ulamas, banne authorités de différents écoles de pensés et banne responsable dans les zotes domaines, nous finne prépare sa Jum’ah…
Are you locked in because of ill treatment or your workers?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*ARE YOU LOCKED IN BECAUSE OF ILL TREATMENT OF YOUR WORKERS?*A muslim should be careful towards acquitting the rights of workers. Because we have been told to fear Allah…
Jum'ah ou Zohr?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *JUM’AH OU ZOHR?**Jum’ah li ene symbole de nous deen. Donc, même dans confinement, tanque possible, si ena 4 missiers, alors établir li plis important ki Zohr. Parski banne…
Salaat-ut-tasbeeh is proven by Ahadiths.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala SALAAT-UT-TASBEEH IS PROVEN BY AHADITHS: The salaat-ut-tasbeeh reported by Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah and other books is a salaah that is made of 4 rakaats where we read especially…
Contexts of verses related of fighting.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *CONTEXTS OF VERSES RELATED TO FIGHTING.*First of all, know that every nation/country needs to set up its military for war purposes. The country need self defence or to…
A call of prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H for a general generosity.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *A CALL OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD P.B.U.H. FOR A GENERAL GENEROSITY.**The Islam that God has preferred for Muhammad peace be upon him is a general compassion Islam. Not only…
The arabic context to Revelations.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE ARABIC CONTEXT TO REVELATIONS.*صحيح البخاري )فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كذلك أنزلت إن هذا القرآن أنزل على سبعة أحرف فاقرءوا ما تيسر منه *Reported in Bukhari and…
Masnoon Duas against Corona Virus.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *MASNOON DUAS AGAINST CORONA VIRUS**With duas, Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam made the fever of Madinah go away. With duas, the Sahabahs used to spell away drought and it…
The Martyrs of Covid-19
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MARTYRS OF COVID-19.* *A pandemic is a test from Allah Ta`ala. A practical test. Not theoretical. A test to see if we make sabr during this mass fatalities.…