The blessings of our small island

The principle of the sense of gratitude is a fundamental pivot in the building up of the Shariah. This principal demands the belief in the unity of Allah, in the obedience of the Prophet of Allah (SAW), and the duty of gratitude to one’s parents, and so on.

By the way, according to that principal, the greatest gratitude is due to the Merciful, the Beneficent, our Lord. It is Allah Ta’ala who has removed us from non-existence and created us, fashioned us in the best of forms, taught us by the pen, taught us what we did not know. By means of His Mercy, He has given us health, intellect and innumerable other blessings. Allah Ta’ala is the sole source of all kindnesses. “If you count the blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them” (Surah 40 Verse 34). Hence, our Lord deserves an absolute gratitude, at the highest level. That is why Allah Ta’ala must be worshipped, prostration must be performed before Him, and good deeds must be accomplished which will serve to express our gratitude to Him. Ungratefulness to the Lord is equivalent to KUFR, and that is the reason why a non-Muslim is called KAAFIR. It means someone who is not grateful to his Creator who is his Nourisher.

It is important for a human being to show gratitude for all the blessings surrounding him. In order to thank the Lord and, insha Allah, to obtain an increase in those blessings, Allah Ta’ala has stated: “If you give thanks, I will give you more (of My blessings), but if you are thankless, verily! My punishment is indeed severe” (Surah 14 Verse 7). That is why we should recognize the favours around us and thank the Creator so that He may increase those favours for us. Otherwise, we may lose those favours quite simply and quality for torments. The Quran tells the story of a town (as an example):” And Allah put forward the example of a township that dwelt secure and well content. Its provision coming to it in abundance from every place, but it denied the favours of Allah. So Allah made it taste the extreme of hunger and fear, because of that which they used to do.” (Surah 16 Verse 112).


Water is a very great blessing of Allah. Moreover, Allah Ta’ala has selected the purity of water to begin the Creation. “And We have made from water every living things” (Surah 21 Verse 30). Water is the basis of every drink, in short, the source of life. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) used to drink fresh water from rivers and wells. He used to drink the water from the well of BAIRUHAA garden situated just opposite the Mosque. (Bukhari). It has been reported by Ali (RA) that, after his ablutions, the Prophet (SAW) used to drink the water remaining in the vessel (Bukhari). By the way, in whatever circumstances, water was always available at home for the Prophet (SAW). In the world of water, the most sacred and the most health giving water is without doubt Zamzam water. In our 21st Century, water has become a precious commodity. However, fresh drinking water is becoming very rare. In modern countries such as Singapore or in some European countries, drinking water is produced through technical processes. Whereas here, Allah Ta’ala has blessed us with abundant fresh water. Paradise is described as consisting of gardens and fresh water. For centuries, the colonies (and our people) have benefited from fresh water. Not far from us, in the Comoro Islands, there are hardly any water tanks. The provision of water for one hour every three or four days is painful for the population and at the same time it slows the growth of tourism.

However, Alhamdulillah, over here, the natural water provided in abundance by Allah enables a good distribution of water. Water is an essential ingredient for vegetation and food. Although, for the time being, we are facing a shortage of water, however, in comparison with the Comoro Islands and other African countries, we are much better off. By the way, if we thank Allah Ta’ala for the water we are provided with, He will increase His favours, and, Insha Allah, there will be more rain. By the way, we are never grateful enough towards the One Being who provides us with fresh water in the early hours for Sehri during the whole month of Ramadan.


Security is one more blessing which we have and which many other countries are deprived of. You see, those South African investors who land here with their big money and their excellent know-how take advantage of our peaceful and secure living conditions. In South Africa, it is difficult to go out at night with your family. Worse still, we can become the victims of crime and rape in the centre of the city. Whereas, our small island floats on the Ocean with a security and a joy of life which Allah holds in His hands.

Security is of paramount importance for the progress of the economy as well as for the education of the people. Otherwise, the State would have to invest heavily in means to fight crime. Not far from our island, in the Malagasy Republic, in spite of the glut of raw materials, and in view of security, investors seek to go elsewhere, and in this way, the economy declines.

Let us be more grateful. Let us, by means of good deeds, show our gratitude for the blessings around us. Allah Ta’ala has stated: “Work you, O family of David, with thanks.” (Surah 34 Verse 13)