Human anatomy is mainly made up of liquid. It is said that the human body is composed of seventy percent liquid. And that is exactly what Allah Ta’ala has revealed to us fourteen centuries ago. “We made from water every living thing.” (21: 30). Water is therefore most vital for our existence. So, in order to provide us with what is necessary for living, Allah Ta’ala has created twice, as much water as, earth on our planet! Having said that, fluid is very important for human eco-biology. So important that daily consumption of much liquid is recommended to us. For a good digestion, for the proper functioning of our kidneys and for the hydration of our system, doctors recommend that we drink three litres of fluids daily. Fifteen glasses of water, juice and milk. You see, health is a very great favor bestowed upon us by Allah and it therefore deserves to be protected. Believe me, whoever takes precautions to remain fit in order to fulfill his responsibilities towards Allah and to be of service to his family and to society, will be rewarded in his accounts book. To choose the best means while asking Allah for health is the sunah of Prophet Muhammad (saw). It is therefore necessary to study the beverages which the most intelligent man, Prophet Muhammad (saw), consumed. Among the beverages consumed by our Nabi (saw) were water, honey, milk and nabeez. Water has always been present in the menu of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Water is the source of all drinks; in short, it is the source of life. The Prophet of Allah used to drink fresh water from rivers wells. According to a hadith of Abu Dawood, fresh water from the rivers of Buyutu Suqyaa was brought for the Prophet of Allah (saw). Those rivers lie at some fifty kilometers from Madinah Munawwarah. And he also used to drink water from the well of Bairuhaa garden which was opposite the mosque. (Bukhari) For iftaar (breaking of fast), his menu was up of only water and some dates. A narration by Ali (ra) tells us that, after completing his ablution, the Prophet (saw) used to drink the water remaining in the container. (Bukhari). In fact, whatever the circumstances, water was always present in the house of the Prophet (saw). In the world of water, the most sacred and most beneficial water is without doubt Zamzam water. And then fresh water from rivers and natural wells. In short, mineral water is better than drinking water from reservoirs. As regards nabeez, it is concentrated juice extracted from dates. It is simply pieces of date diluted with water. Just leave stoned dates in a glass of water during one night only. In the morning, throw away the date pieces and drink the extracted date juice. Nabeez is indeed an easily digestible natural tonic, and, above all, it is the sunnah of the holy Prophet (saw). According to a hadith reported by Aisha (ra), the Prophet (saw) also liked nabeez mixed with honey. In fact, the Prophet of Allah (saw) used to give preference to pure honey. Honey is a very nourishing drink and is also a cure for many illnesses. The Qur’an states: “There issues, from within their bodies (of bees), a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men.” (16: 69). This verse is of a general nature and therefore allows us the freedom to use honey as a remedy for all kinds of disease in general. In this way, traditional doctors, the hakeems, make use of honey in almost every medicine. Among the prescription, one finds that, for sore throats, honey on an empty stomach is most effective. If you suffer from sinusitis, just introduce some drops of honey into the nostrils. For eye infection, there is no better disinfectant than honey. Although the presence of honey in the nostrils or the eyes is painful, by the Grace of Allah, healing is guaranteed. A few drops of honey in the ears bring much relief from earache. The renowned Ibn Qayyim has written in his book ‘The Medicine of the Prophet’: “Honey is one food among foods, one among coatings, one among things that cheer us up; and nothing has been created better than or like it, or even approaching it. People long ago used to swear by it.” That is the reason why honey was among the preferred beverages of the Prophet of Allah (saw). In passing, we have much to learn from the qualities of bees. Allah Ta’ala has stated: “Verily in this is a sign for those who give thought.” (16: 69). One can only marvel at the way the bees organize themselves, at their team spirit and also at their distinctive nature of rejecting what is deplorable and of taking what is better. You see, they abandon manure and thorns of roses and notice only the fragrance of petals! What a beautiful quality which we need to develop in ourselves; overlook people’s defects and see only their good qualities, which will give rise to friendship and clear all discords. Indeed, there are things we do not appreciate in our wives, let us bear with them and rather appreciate their good qualities which will only fortify conjugal love. And observe also the scale of protection deployed by the bees: in self-defense. Nowadays, everywhere in the world, people raise eyebrows when Muslims speak of self-defense whereas it is only an instinctive and human right to safeguard one’s territory and heritage form invades who ridicule the rights of man and hurt religious values. Bees overpower any foreign matter or insect which may penetrate their beehive. Do you know why? It is to preserve the honey’s purity and protect it also from viruses or microbes. All this in order to make available to you good and pure honey. Of course, apart from honey, there are a lot of other things we obtain from bees! Milk is a drink that is superior in quality to water, nabeez and honey. It is a beverage that is at once nutritious and invaluable. Milk is the first nourishment of a newborn child. Milk is synonymous with purity and value. Milk is the drink which the Prophet of Allah (saw) chose during Me’raj (Night Journey). Allah Ta’ala has revealed: “Verily in cattle will ye find an instructive sign. From what is within their bodies, between excretions and blood, we produce, for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it.” (16: 66). The Prophet of Allah (saw) has told us that milk is the best of foods. Who so has consumed food should say: “O Allah! Bless this food for us! And grant us a better one!” And who so has consumed milk should say: “O Allah! Bless it for us! And give us abundance of it! For, I have not known a food or a drink more nutritious than milk.” (Abu Dawood). For that reason the Prophet of Allah (saw) wished to consume milk every night. We can also follow this sunnah of the Prophet (saw) by consuming milk every night. It should be noted that tea, coffee or other beverages do not appear on the list of drinks of the Prophet (saw). However, any drink not containing alcohol or other haram (prohibited) ingredients is halal for consumption. “Any drink which causes drunkenness is haram.” (Bukhari). It should be borne in mind that even half a drop of alcohol is enough to make the whole drink haram. “A drink which causes drunkenness when consumed in great quantity is haram even when it is in small quantity.” (Ahmad) We cannot end this article without mentioning the hadith of Nasai reported by Ummee Sulaim (ra) where she says: “In this cup I have served all beverages, water, honey, milk and nabeez, to Rasoolullah (saw).” May Allah Ta’ala grant us the will to follow the example of the Prophet of Allah (saw). Ameen. For information on halal beverages, you may contact us on Halal Help Lines 240 0439 and 792 1333. |