So the whole population of Kashmir are Terrorists?*

Bismihi Ta`ala 


*The Indian government justify the lockdown on Kashmir as a suppression tactics against terrorism. The question is that the lockdown is applied on man, women, children, the sickly and the elderly. So the whole population of Kashmir are terrorist and hence need a crackdown?*

 *This is the great hypocrisy of the terrorist state of India. Refusing external observation and arbitration, keeping the area completely locked from movement and communication, India want to commit the most cruelty against human rights on Kashmiri secretly.* 

*The operation ‘’Turning off the lights’’ is done in front of the international community in an era where the world has become a vivid transparent village.* 

*The international community should be aware that the same BJP rulers committed atrocities in Gujrat in 2002. The same government has given more privilege for survival of cows than humans. Many muslims were mercilessly butchered mainly because they were accused of eating cows. So this government has no human rights consideration as far as muslims are concerned.*

 *Lastly Modi was telling Macron and any international arbitrator that Kashmir does not need a third country mediation. Well, if there was justice in his approach, then he would have welcomed the various proposals of observation. But because BJP has sadistical agenda against muslim Kashmiris, that is why they would turn off the lights to commit rape, murder, terrorism against innocent kashmiris.* 

*India has cut all supplies of basic needs to Kashmiris. No open medical movement facilities, no internet information and medical update, no food facilities, etc. This is crime against freedom of humanity. India should be sued on that basis.* 

*On top of this chaotic situation of lockdown, India is arresting arbitrarily thousands of innocent Kashmiris.**Then men and women, they are tortured in custody. Mental, physical and sexual abuse on innocent muslims. Some Kashmiris succeeded to inform the outside world that the Indian army comes raid at night to arrest their daughters and then rape them in the custody. Sadistical Indian army. Sadistical hindu nationalists.**In June 2018, 3 hindu men raped a 8 year old muslim kashmiri girl and then killed her. In July 2018, 6 men gang raped a 21 year Russian girl. There are dozens of daily abduction of children in India where the sadistical gangs roams. India is no more safe for tourists.*

*BJP is on the accused to promote such atrocities. In fact, BJP promote racist violence and terrorism on a fascist style. So the international community should send neutral observations and stop the sadistical Modi`s intent. Because we have innocent women, children and men that need protection and freedom. Muslim countries should stand together for freedom of Kashmiris on all international forums. They should initiate economic and social pressure on India to give freedom to kashmiris.*