Does hajj become fardh after performing umrah

DWQA QuestionsCategory: hajjDoes hajj become fardh after performing umrah
JonSnow Staff asked 4 years ago

I have enough money to perform an Umrah this year. If I perform Umrah, does Hajj becomes farz on me afterwards (despite not having money)?

1 Answers
JonSnow Staff answered 4 years ago

If you have more than Rs 150000, then give priority to your hajj. Keep the money and put your name by ICC to go. But if you have less than Rs100000 and no immediate money is coming later, then go for a umrah. By you performing Umrah, Hajj does not become farz on you. But bear in mind that if you have had any time in your adulthood any year after Ramadhaan a sufficient amount of money for you to go for hajj even 20 years back, then know that hajj is farz on you, so you would need to keep your money to go for hajj and not umrah.