O my Nabi (saw), I am not charlie

In the very beginning of January this year 2015, around the 10th of Rabi ul Awwal 1436, there was a march and a protest in Germany on the theme against ‘’Islamisation of Europe.’’ Two days later, the ministers and the responsible of the country marched against that march and they recall the population to have tolerance vis a vis other people`s belief. They brought the message of democracy and peace between European muslims, reverted muslims or non muslims. That was calmed for a few days. Then after a few days, there was the crime scene at Charlie Hebdo, the cursed French newspaper where about journalists and personnel were obliterated. Then came the pursuit of some muslims accused of the ‘’delit’’. But the different photos and proofs on the crime issue and then the pursuit leave the world with the doubt that there has been a conspiracy. A conspiracy is a plan to accuse someone or a people of some crime, while you yourself you did it. In any criminal case, the police enquire the direct show of the crime and also the possibility of a conspiracy. For instance, in the case of a murder where the nephew called the police that he found his uncle murdered, that may be the nephew himself may be the criminal. All these theories has to be considered before a judgement be made on the crime issue.

The world wide conspiracy is 9-11 whereby there has been in fact a conspiracy against the Talibans. You may find proofs to that on http://www.reopen911.org/ . The authorities set up an explosion, collapse of a few buildings and a direct attack on the Pentagon. You may read there on the web the clues that support my view on that issue. But the world did not grasp that and there has been a collective war against ‘’Talibans’’ and Islam all the way through. I want you to take the same angle now as concerned for this year`s events. The ‘’Islamisation of Europe’’ is a threat to Christian Europe and to the west. So they needed an issue to create the islamophobia to try to stop the threat of islamisation of Europe. So read also on ‘’conspiracy Charlie Hebdo’’ where you would find clear evidence that the issue was made up and distorted.

Like Abu Lahab did during the time of the beloved prophet SAW, he would go to the people and blame the prophet SAW as a sorcerer, as a mad man(May Allah Ta`ala protect us) and warn the people not to approach the prophet SAW. I remember the words of Qazi Mujahidul Islam r.a. that he addressed to us even before the 9-11. He said:’’Abu Lahabi media will do its work against Islam, but you have a beauty of sunnah to expose the world. And the world will take what they see and not the hearsay.’’

The beloved prophet SAW eradicated the islamophobia effect of Abu Lahab with his good character and conduct. He uprooted centuries of ignorance and barbaric habits into an ambitious noble sahabas that not only conquered the land, but they conquered the hearts. The fact that northern Africa, the gulf and Palestine not only abandoned their previous faith, but also they left their languages, their clothing, their direction of praying and they found the values of sahabas as the ideal establishment of a society. In fact they adopted the Arabic language as their language, the sahabas` clothing as theirs and they stood up to participate the conquest of Islam throughout the world.

The answer to islamophobia and conspiracies is the noble way of sunnah. To act with sunnah to the family, the neighbours, the passer by , the beggar, etc.

The beloved prophet SAW is our model and is the most beloved after Allah Ta`ala.

قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَا يُؤْمِنُ أَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى أَكُونَ أَحَبَّ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ وَالِدِهِ وَوَلَدِهِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ

The beloved prophet SAW said: ‘’Anyone amongst will not be a true believer until he don`t love me more than his parents, his children and all people.’’(Bukhari)

So we have to love, appreciate, defend and follow the beloved prophet SAW more than any living person on earth.

The tragedy of the event Charlie Hebdo is not the newspaper itself nor the crimes aroud it, but what was most chaotic was the reaction to the event. Because some ‘’insultists’’ stood up in support of the so called victims, they stated :’’I am Charlie’’. That is I am a supporter of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo, the newspaper who used to insult the beloved prophet SAW with images and words. This declaration is Kufr. Be a supporter of the one who insult the prophet SAW is kufr. This is the tragedy when muslims started tweeting: I am Charlie, but… Je suis Charlie, mais…,etc. The west brought an ideological war that some people felt that if we do not write I am Charlie, then it means that I am supporting the crimes that happened there. And yet we know that Charlie Hebdo is a machine attacking the honour of the beloved prophet SAW and that now I am his supporter! In fact the west made it such that Charlie Hebdo is the mentor to freedom of speech. But Allah Ta`ala taught muslims and opened way to them to express their faith by saying: ‘’I am not Charlie! ‘’. I am not the supporter of the one who publish publicly irreverently the beloved prophet SAW.

So after this declaration, should we retort the newspaper with insults on their beliefs? The Qur-aan instruct us to respect other religions so as they may respect ours: )

وَلَا تَسُبُّوا الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ فَيَسُبُّوا اللَّهَ عَدْوًا بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ

And do not insult those deities that they pray besides Allah, because they would retort in return insulting Allah..’’(6:108)

As such our Qur-aan teaches us to respect anybody`s religion and not to insult anyone. So the answer to this ideological war is ‘’I am not Charlie. My freedom of speech is without insult.’’ Show the world today that Islam taught us not to insult anyone. So answer the conspiracy and insults with putting the banner ‘’I am not Charlie! My freedom of speech is without insult’’ as your profile.