Bismihi Ta`ala
According to world statistics, the three most followed religions on the planet are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. While on one hand, marriage is alien to Christian priests, on the other hand, divorce is alien to the hindu religion. No surprise that the present hindu government could not digest the issue of talaaq or divorce of the muslim wedlock.
God has put the instinct need of breathing, thirst, hunger and sexual need in every human kind. He created air oxygen of the atmosphere to fulfil the breathing need; he created rain water to quench the human thirst; he created animals and plants to ease the hunger of humans; and he created non consanguine opposite genders to satisfy sexual need, through nuptial religious contract. The transgender does not exist under the Islamic terminology. Rather they are classified in their respective male or female gender that they would normally urinate. If it is as complex as a two way equal urine stream, then other features are considered. In any case homosexuality is a severely condemned sin under the Shariah.
Note that opposite gender marriage does not concern only nights, but days also. In the sense that the human need does not limit to sexual need only, but rather there is a need for a companion, a partner and a help to bring the life span on earth fruitful. The natural trend from beginning of time had been that male spend their time to earn a living outside home and their wives would cook, clean and look after children at home. All this to tell you that same gender cohabiting is unnatural, immoral and inhuman.
A marriage is a contract between the opposite gender couple that on one hand the husband would fulfil the physical rights of the wife, the basic needs financial rights, her make-up expenses , the housing and to look after the progeny to be born between the couple. On the other hand the wife should cater the physical demand of the husband and be loyal to only one husband.
The reality of divorce/talaaq/faskh exist because in case when the husband does not fulfil his rights towards the wife, then she may ask for a remand on the marriage contract. Since divorce or remarrying does not exist under Hinduism, then there are taboos that exist under the couple`s roof or a poor young widow. Because the mentioned needs are still living in the human veins. To be noted that many Christian priests have not been able to carb their sexual needs and finally end up with lots sexual harassments, rape and sodomy. The popes officially apologized lastly and in the past for the natural acts that the priests sinfully committed.
Islam stands on the moderation to terminate the marriage contract through the master of the contract, the husband`s decision for divorce. Or when the wife files a case petition in the Islamic official marriage office or when the husband dies then the wife becomes free to remarry after 4 months and 10 days(practically 130 days). Although divorce is a reality, but the Qur-aan exhort it as a last card after dialogue therapy between couple, passive retaliation and finally a reconciliation through neutral arbitration. If none of these happened, then a divorce is pronounced through guidelines of ulamas.
The moderation of Islam to accept marriage and divorce wins him a clear victory of the modern inter-religious intellectual battle.
Islam ideally prescribe one wife.(Read surah 4;Verse 3). But adultery or cohabiting without marriage contract is completely sinful. Because wealth and power attracts more company, and that parents at present and in the past have offered their daughters under the custody of their leaders and their millionaires, then Islam has path a legal spectrum for these exceptions. Europe tolerated ‘’lady friends’’ or ‘’mistresses’’ for centuries of their kings and their magnates. Leaders have had illegal relationship with many ladies officially and unofficially. have been the title deed of these. Islam brought honour to be entitled ‘’wives’’ to those wishing to be in the wedlock of a man up to 4. As such all wives will enjoy same privileges, same expenses and same rights of night spending with the husband. Nonetheless, know that the heart will contain only 1 love, even if one has 4 wives. For an equilibrium social and parental prospect, we advise the coranic recommendation of only one wife family, except in case to save oneself from adultery.
Mufti Mackoojee
Twitter: @MuftiMackoojee