*If Eid ul Fitr happens to be a friday,then there is definitely Jum’ah also*

Bismihi Ta`ala
*If Eid ul Fitr happens to be a Friday, then there is definitely Jum`ah also:* 
*Some non-adhered people advocate that there is no Jum`ah salaah if Eids happen to fall on a Friday. They take support of the following hadith whereby the beloved prophet Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam seems to give choice of not praying Jum`ah:*عَنْ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ بْنِ رُفَيْعٍ عَنْ أَبِي صَالِحٍ عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَعَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَنَّهُ قَالَ قَدْ اجْتَمَعَ فِي يَوْمِكُمْ هَذَا عِيدَانِ فَمَنْ شَاءَ أَجْزَأَهُ مِنْ الْجُمُعَةِ وَإِنَّا مُجَمِّعُونَابو داود*Rasouloullah SAW said: ‘‘Today, two eids have fallen on the same day. Those who wish can suffice on this as Jum`ah. And we will do Jum`ah.’’(Abu Dawood)* *The non-adhered take the permission of no Jum`ah as an order and do not read the practice of the prophet SAW that he confirmed: WE WILL READ JUM`AH SALAAH.* *In fact that permission was given to villagers and bedouins that came from far in the outskirt of Madinah. Jum`ah is not wajib on villagers and bedoins because they do not live in the city of Madinah. They read Zohr. So since they had come for Eid Salaah, should they stay and read Jum`ah salaah or they can go home and do Eid with their families? The beloved prophet SAW addressed to them and told them they can go if they wanted. And if they wanted they can stay in Madinah. BUT IN ALL CASES, WE WILL READ JUM`AH:*وَإِنَّا مُجَمِّعُونَ*And we will certainly read Jum`ah.(Abu Dawood)**There was no conditions of Jum`ah on them. That is why the second Jum`ah after Madinah was done in Bahrain.(Bukhari)* عن ابن عباس أنه قالإن أول جمعة جمعت بعد جمعة في مسجد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في مسجد عبد القيس بجواثى من البحرينبخاري *But we get clearer explanation from close sahabahs of the beloved prophet SAW: Usman bin Affan r.a.:**This permission was only for villagers and bedoins and not for dwellers of the city. As for the dwellers of the city, Jum`ah is wajib even Eid day:*عن الزهري قال حدثنيقال أبو عبيدثم شهدت العيد مع عثمان بن عفان فكان ذلك يوم الجمعة فصلى قبل الخطبة ثم خطب فقال يا أيها الناس إن هذا يوم قد اجتمع لكم فيه عيدان فمن أحب أن ينتظر الجمعة من أهل العوالي فلينتظر ومن أحب أن يرجع فقد أذنت له بخاري*In this athar of Bukhari, Abu Ubeid said that Hazrat Usman r.a. did khutbah of Eid that happens to be a Friday: ‘‘Those of the villagers who wish to leave, then I have given them permission to leave.’’(Bukhari)* *The above hadiths are sufficient to throw light that there is Jum’ah on a Friday Eidul Fitr or Eidul Ahaa. Still some other riwayats are brought for our knowledge purposes:*أبو سعد الماليني انبأ أبو احمد بن عدي الحافظ ثنا اسحاق بن ابراهيم بن يونس ثنا محمد بن ابي سمينة ثنا زياد بن عبد الله عن عبد العزيز بن رفيع عن ابي صالح عن ابي هريرة قال اجتمع عيدان على عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال انه قد اجتمع عيدكم هذا والجمعة وانا مجمعون فمن شاء ان يجمع فليجمع فلما صلى العيد جمع بيهقي‘…*when Rasouloullah SAW finished Eid Salaah, then he later read Jum`ah’(Baihaqi)* ورواه زياد البكائي عن عبد العزيز بن رفيع بمعنى حديث الثوري إلا أنه أسنده حدثني عبد الوارث بن سفيان قال حدثنا قاسم بن أصبغ قال حدثنا إبراهيم بن إسحاق النيسابوري ….عيدان عيدكم هذا والجمعة وإني مجمع إذا رجعت فمن أحب منكم أن يشهد الجمعة فليشهدها” قال فلما رجع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم جمع بالناس. التمهيد..*when Rasouloullah SAW returned from Eid gah, he read Jum`ah with the people(Of Madinah).*(Tamheed) *As such if your Eid ul Fitr or Eid ul Adhaa happens to be on a Friday, then there should be Jum`ah salaah as we normally have. If a villager is found in a city at Jum’ah time, then he should come to salaah. Only those who live in an area where no Jum`ah applied that are exempted from the obligation of Jum`ah. Still villagers where no jum’ah applied are normally recommended to attend Jum’ah in the city times to times.*

Mufti Mackoojee +23057921333