*Historic Initiative Against Riba-Interest*

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Bismihi Ta`ala


*Lately, we have learnt that the Surtee Sunnee Mussalman Society of Mauritius has voted a constitutional vote against interest. The Riba-Interest is welly accepted as a prohibition and Haraam under the Coranic and Sunnah injunctions. The Qur-aan condemns severely interest and warns against a War from God Himself if we don`t abandon interest.(Read Verse 279 of Chapter 2). Severe punishments awaits those eating Riba-Interest(Bukhari).* *The Surtee Sunnee Mussalman Society is a society that exists for more than a century now. Initiated by businessmen in the beginning of the 19th century, they targeted social and religious welfare. Today, the society has 6 Masjids/Musallahs, an Islamic school, a Maktab Madrassah, the largest qabrastaan in the Indian Ocean, a large Hall, commercial buildings and has been the good onlooker of many major Islamic development in the islands of Indian Ocean. Alhamdulillah, the SSMS has sponsored both Darul Uloom students, University students and help the poor and needy monthly.* 

*Lately Mufti Ismail came to Mauritius remarked on the properties bought a century ago by the businessmen in the last century and donated to SSMS:* 

*‘’These are such properties that Muslim societies should hasten to buy and possess so that later generations may benefit from these properties. Later on, due to its commercial value, we won`t be able to buy an inch also of that land.’’ I am talking all that for other Muslims inland or abroad may follow the example of a well organized Waqf that is still yielding benefits to its members and others. The constitution requires a 2 year election mandate with the majority choice. Public notices should be advertised for elections. Lately, Alhamdulillah, it was voted that a president can serve only for 2 mandates. Not more than that. This is good initiative. Because we have seen Waqfs and Masjids that their financial and election remain completely opaque for decades and their properties seem to yield milk only for the mutawallis. And the Mutawalli make sure to get his son in his chair to ‘’inherit’’ the yield of other people`s donation that was given for religious welfare. This is a sad reality that should be corrected. Shameful pirates.* 

*So we invite the members of Waqfs and Masjids to stand up and follow the laudable foot steps of the SSMS of Mauritius. Conduct your elections honestly public, submit publicly details of account and secure your constitutions against mercenaries and also secure your constitution against Riba and Interest, change your presidents and be generous to such laudable Islamic societies as these will remember you when everyone has forgotten you(Sawaab Jariyah).*

 حدثنا الحسن منذ أربعين سنة عن أبي هريرة قال قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ح و حدثنا وهب بن بقية أخبرنا خالد عن داود يعني ابن أبي هند وهذا لفظه عن سعيد بن أبي خيرة عن الحسن عن أبي هريرة أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ليأتين على الناس زمان لا يبقى أحد إلا أكل الربا فإن لم يأكله أصابه من بخاره ابو داود*

Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam said: ‘’There will come a time upon people that there will be no one left but they will eat from usury-interest. If he has not eaten, then still the dust effect of interest will get to him.’’(Abu Dawood/Ibn Majah)**So amongst the signs of Qiyamah, interest will become very rampant. So, as we descend in the era wheel, today secure the constitution of your company, your properties, your societies, your trusts and your Masjids against Riba-Interest. Insha Allah, Barakahs will reach your family and societies. Else we have known family business existing for 150 years that has finished in bankruptcy due to a few years of overdraft.*

Mufti Mackoojee 

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