*First project: Hajj project.*

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Bismihi Ta’ala 

*First project: Hajj project.*

*Seeing the difficulties, new conditions, age restrictions, quota reduction and price inflation around Hajj reminds me of the following Hadith:*

حدثنا وكيع حدثنا أبو إسرائيل العبسي عن فَضَيل بن عمرو عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس عن الفضل أو أحدهما عن الآخر قال: قال رسولِ الله – ﷺ -: «مِن أراد الحج فليتعجَّل، فإنه قد يمرض المريض وتَضِلُّ الضالَّة وتعْرِض الحاجَةُ».

*Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said: “One who intends to go for Hajj, then he should do quick to accomplish it. Because the occurrence of sickness, lost of means of transport and needs may wall up in front of him.”*(Ahmad/Abu Dawood)

*Alhamdulillah, those who went for Hajj in the past enjoyed it better. And those who had the means in the past or at present and have not accomplished Hajj yet should try earliest as possible to go. Hajj if farz stays farz until accomplished. Because the great restriction of death may occur any time. Hence should keep a will for someone to do it for you in case of death or unable medically.*

*Know that even with high prices, had you been able to pay a Hajj package in the past and did not go, then you should know that you should absolutely do it before your death. If you have not enough means, then our ulamas says take non interest debts that you will pay after Hajj.*

*Also note that it is not permissible to take Zakaat to fill in your missing money to pay your Hajj package. If someone ask you Zakaat to go for Hajj, then tell him that Zakaat is for poor muslims. Not rich ones that has nisaab.*

*Better to accomplish Hajj in your young age as the new conditions makes it difficult sometimes for old to cope with the physical and mental stress of Hajj. Or you may be restricted in old age as how they restricted it to 65 years.*

Mufti Mackoojee

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