Established Protocols

Bismihi Ta`ala

*When there was a split between sahabahs on right wing Hazrat Ali r.a. and on left wing Hazrat Mu`awiyah r.a., sahabahs continued to live Islam from anywhere in the world and from any wing because Islamic principles were already established.*

*When there was a split between the responsible of Deoband mainly Mowlana Hussein Ahmad Madani r.a. and Qari Tayyab`s wing, the other Darul ulooms of the world following deoband did not split their spirits of deoband. But because the spirit of Deoband was already established, then they followed deobandiyat without indulging in the split of deoband.*

*When, recently, the jamiats of India split into two mainly M Mahmood Madani and M Arshad Madani, then I have seen no country or Jamiat of other countries partying any wing. But both M Mahmood and M Arshad are welcomed as PRESIDENT OF JAMIAT UL ULAMA HIND and they are catered by great respect at par. Both are welcomed and given high esteem. I have not seen any non inidian Jamiat that have indulged in their rivalries in India and import the conflicting issue in their respective country. Although local Jamiats were established by these now partied elders auspices, but because the Jamiat of each country has been rooted locally under its established protocols, then there was no issue of conflict locally. Hence there is no question of importing unwanted rivalry politics.*

*When there is a split in Nizamuddeen between leaders of jamaat work, then know that the protocols of Tableegh have already been established throughout the world. Similarly, we should not indulge in importing unwanted rivalry and politics. Rather we should continue our jamaat work with the same local structure and established protocols and then welcome both wings in different times.*

*Vaguely I remember a precious advice that has been said about Mianji Mehrab r.a. He once asked M Ubaidullah or a muqeem mowlana in Nizamuddeen about his zeal for jamaat work. Mowlana answered that from over 20 years now he is sleeping on this same bedding of his in Nizamuddeen Alhamdulillah. Mianji Mehrab r.a. told him: ‘’No, Mowlana! Not enough zeal. Rather work with such a zeal that if you dream of M Ilyas r.a. and he happens to tell you in the dream that Tableegh was an erroneous mistake. Then you answer him with that zeal and conviction in Tableegh: JazaakAllah Khairan Mowlana for pathing our way. Now we are not following you, but rather we are following Qur-aan and Sunnah in doing the work.*

*The protocols of Tableegh are already established and hence each country may continue Tableegh work on these established protocols.*

*We may take the meaning of Mianji`s words that even if tomorrow Nizamuddeen closes its door for Tableegh, even then we will continue the work under the established protocols of Tableegh. Because the protocols of tableegh is outsourced from Qur-aan and Sunnah. And it has been observed that Tableegh movement crop up masjids, madrassahs and jamiats.*

*A shura in a country is an established protocol that has rooted locally. Hence each country should follow their own Shura and then cater to manage foreign differences as they were doing in the past. We all know that Muntakhab Ahadith was not read in Pakistan. And yet so many countries established Muntakhab Ahadiths. Others did not. And yet saathies spend time in both India and Pakistan during their khuruj.*  
*The local shura is a local establishment that have judged between conflicting issues in the past and should continue the same. Hence those who already established reading Muntakhab/Masjid Abadi…, then do not import conflicting rivalry to destabilise local work by trying to remove it. Those who did not had it, then they may continue as they have chosen.*

*The jamaat protocols have already been established and hence there is no need to import unwanted spices to spoil it.*

*May Allah Ta`ala unite us and make us more pious. Ameen.*

Mufti Ayoob Mackoojee