From Mufti Mackoojee : We have known hotels in Mauritius for quite sometimes Alhamdulillah. Since menues in hotels are prepared in one kitchen, the danger of cross contamination becomes imminent.…
Category: Uncategorized
*The beauty of kindness.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *The beauty of kindness.**Everyone want to look good and beautiful. In fact, there is a beauty that lasts and imprints upon others: kindness and good manners.**When someone has…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’alaTHE SAFF OF LIFE.The Saff of salaah has a direct effect on our lives. Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said that if we keep our saff uneven, not straight then…
You follow a religion. And I follow a religion(that is distinct from yours).
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’alaYou follow a religion. And I follow a religion(that is distinct from yours). The end conclusion of islamic revelation drives us to protect our faith, our territory and our…
Effective protection duas against all harms:
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Effective protection duas against all harms:* أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ *Arouzoubikalimaatillahit tammaati min sharri maa khalaq.(Muslim)* *I seek protection by the perfect words of…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *FIRE 🔥 OF HELL REMINDER* *Actions of humans influence his well being in this world.* سورة النحل (١٦): آية ٩٧] مَنْ عَمِلَ صالِحًا مِنْ ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنْثى وَهُوَ…
Debt on the shariah spectrum.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Debt on the shariah spectrum.* *Shariah has evolved through the 23 years of prophecy of the prophet Muhammad Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam. Some ahadiths shows complete severity on debt.…
Interfaith Dialogue?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Interfaith Dialogue?* *Reported that Hazrat Umar ra used to go by some jews of Madinah to listen to their religious scriptures.* *Once hé brought a piece of their…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala ‘HARAAM NON ALCOHOLIC WINE, BEER AND SIMILAR LIQOUR BEVERAGES’ First of all, Allah Ta’ala has made wine, sherry, champagne, cognac, beer, brandy, whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, daroo, etc.…
Respect pou Grand.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Respect pou Grand. عن عبادة بن الصامت أن رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: ليس منا من لم يجل كبيرنا ويرحم صغيرنا ويعرف لعالمنا حقه أحمد ،…
By JonSnow0*ONLY ALLAH TA’ALA IS SHAHENSHAH* *There is a beautiful naat named “Hum ne ankhon se dekha nahi hein magar” where there is mention that Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam is “Shahenshah”…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE QABRASTAAN DOSE* *The greed of man pushes him to the limit of giving his whole life for this dunya.* سورة العاديات (١٠٠): آية ٨] وَإِنَّهُ لِحُبِّ الْخَيْرِ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *FARDEAU DE LA TERRE.* *Fardeau de la terre li tout banne kitchose qui à l’intérieur, et aussi bannes humains et bannes djinns. Allah Ta`ala dire dans Quraan:* سَنَفْرُغُ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE BURDEN OF THE EARTH.* *The burden of the earth are whatever inside it and also humans and jinns. Allah Ta`ala said in the Noble Qur-aan:* سَنَفْرُغُ لَكُمْ…
LGBT au loupe du Shariah.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala LGBT au loupe du Shariah. Allah Ta`ala a créé un monde et il a voulu que subsiste cote a cote des humains pieux et saint et aussi des…
Set a hizb time today
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaSET A HIZB TIME TODAY. It is the sunnah of the beloved prophet SAW to set a time of the day and night to read the Qur-aan and to…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE LANDMARK DATE PALM TREES AROUND RASOULOULLAH SWALALLAHOU `ALAIHI WASALLAM.(Edited) In the scriptures revealed by Allah Ta`ala before Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi were the landmarks to find the place…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *TRAVELLERS`S DIARY Page 5-RAMADHAAN TIPS:* Travelling during Ramadhaan is permissible as per shariah. Going in the path of Allah during Ramadhaan is sunnah. Besides the legislation on salaah, the…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE VIRTUES OF MISWAAK.* صحيح البخاري – (3 / 405) عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لولا أن أشق على…
Husnat tadbeer-the wisdom of well planification.
By JonSnow0*Bismihi Ta`ala* *Husnat tadbeer-the wisdom of well planification.* حسن التدبير *To ponder and think about the consequences of any initiative is sunnah. Good planification is the quality of a mu-min.…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE BURDEN OF THE EARTH.* *The burden of the earth are whatever inside it and also humans and jinns. Allah Ta`ala said in the Noble Qur-aan:* سَنَفْرُغُ لَكُمْ…
*Around The 15th Shabaan*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala AROUND THE 15TH SHA`BAAN.* Allah Ta’ala has preferred some men over others. Those who have faith in Islam have been preferred over others. And amongst the believers, Allah…
Life Frame.
By JonSnow0سنن ابن ماجه – (12 / 279) حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بِشْرٍ بَكْرُ بْنُ خَلَفٍ وَأَبُو بَكْرِ بْنُ خَلَّادٍ الْبَاهِلِيُّ قَالَا حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ سَعِيدٍ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي عَنْ أَبِي يَعْلَى…
Tremors n quakes in Syria/Turkey
By JonSnow0سورة الأعراف (٧): آية ١٢٩ قالُوا أُوذِينا مِن قَبْلِ أنْ تَأْتِيَنا ومِن بَعْدِ ما جِئْتَنا قالَ عَسى رَبُّكُمْ أنْ يُهْلِكَ عَدُوَّكُمْ ويَسْتَخْلِفَكُمْ فِي الأرْضِ فَيَنْظُرَ كَيْفَ تَعْمَلُونَ 7:129] *They said,…
Ki météo demain?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Ki météo demain?* *De nos jours nous tracasser a propos mauvais temps, gros la pluie et inondations. Parski ena fois nou gagne la pluie inondations sans ki même ena…
By JonSnow0Mufti Mackoujee: Bismihi Ta`ala *MASNOON DUAS AFTER FARZ SALAAH.* It is a fact that the beloved prophet SAW used to sit briefly after each Farz salaah. During this brief time,…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala DEKHA DEKHI *Most of the time of our lives are spent in quest of assets and possessions that others have. We are in a blind competition with our…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *ESSENTIAL OILS* *The beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam said:”_ Whoever has a hair, then he should take good care of it(Abu Dawood):_* سنن أبى داود – ()…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE SUNNAH OF COLLECTIVE DUAS AND ISTIGHFAAR FOR RAIN .* *Many are complaining about drought nowadays.* *Allah Ta’ala has given us actions to attract His Mercy and Blessings. We…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *FUEL FOR YOUR JOURNEY.* Allah Ta’ala said: «لا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إلّا وُسْعَها» «١» [البقرة ٢٨٦] 2:286] *”Allah does not obligate anyone beyond his capacity.”* *Rasouloullah swalallahou alaihi…
Sunnats of magrib, attacted to its farz without delay.
By JonSnow0*Recommended to pray the sunnahs of Maghrib right after Farz of Maghrib. Better to pray sunnahs in a different place where you prayed farz. That is why, if any bayaan…
By JonSnow0*1er Jumada Al Akhir 1444.* *PAS IMITE LES ZOTES.* *Rasouloullah swalallahou alaihi wasallam finne dire: “Celui qui rode pou ressembler ene peuple, alors li pou compte parmi sa peuple la…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE VIRTUES OF FAJR.* صحيح البخاري – (3 / 38) قال أخبرني سعيد بن المسيب وأبو سلمة بن عبد الرحمن أن أبا هريرة قال سمعت رسول الله صلى…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *KINDNESS IN BUSINESS DEALINGS.* أَخْبَرَنَا يَعْقُوبُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ قَالَ: حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ، عَنْ سُفْيَانَ، عَنْ سِمَاكٍ، عَنْ سُوَيْدِ بْنِ قَيْسٍ قَالَ: جَلَبْت أَنَا وَمَخْرَفَةُ الْعَبْدِيُّ بَزًّا مِنْ هَجَرَ،…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE IMPORTANT SUNNAH MUAKADAHS OF JUM`AH.* There are 4 sunnah Muakadahs before Jum`ah and 4 after Jum`ah.(Fatawa Shami) Note that Jum’ah is only for men(Abu Dawood) The first…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE IMPORTANCE OF SUNNAH MUAKKADAHS. Unfortunately nowadays, we see that many youngsters do not pray Sunnah Muakkadahs. It is sinful to neglect deliberately sunnah Muakkadahs. In fact, it…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE GIFT OF ISLAM. Allah Ta`ala has blessed us with a religion that not only look after our(Aakhirah) hereafter`s well being, but also prescribe for this life the…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE PREDICTED CLIMATE CHANGE.* *Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam is the true prophet that confirmed that some rivers and lake will be dried. صحيح مسلم – (14 / 178)…
A lamb without horn.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *A lamb without horn.* *Israel is pounding Palestinians and Killing mercilessly in broad day light in a muslim area of Palestine, without anyone can stop them. Muslims are…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *DUAS FOR FIRST FRUITS OF THE SEASON.* *Reported in Muslim Shareef that when the first fruit appeared in a season, then Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam would read the following…
Reward v/s Actual Accomplishment.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Reward v/s Actual Accomplishment. In shariah, you will see lots actions that give reward to a certain accomplishments, but that does not mean that you don`t need to…
Quelques conseils halaals.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Perruques* *Li permissible servi ou vende perruques ki finne faire pas par cheveux humains et ni par cheveux porc.* *Donc perruques ki finne faire par cheveux cheval ou…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MORNING BREATH OF HOPE.* *Hazrat Mowlana Ilyas ra used to read the following ayah with a great ecstasy of hope: ‘’Each day, He(Allah Ta`ala) has a new…
L`importance du Mahram pendant un voyage.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *L`importance du Mahram pendant un voyage.* *La shariah a instauré l`obligation d`accompagnement d`un mahram baaligh/majeur et mutaqi afin de protéger les dames et les demoiselles contre les attaques…
*The keys to happiness*
By JonSnow0*Bismihi Ta`ala* *The keys **to happiness.* *Imaan or faith is the conduit to human happiness.* *The beloved Prophet Muhammad Swaallahou `Alaihi Wasallam had written these few words in a letter…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE VIRTUE OF NUMEROUS HAJJS/UMRAHS* *A hadith Qudsi reported in Sahih Ibn Hibaan that Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said: “Allah Ta’ala said: Such a person that I have…
Muslims are advised strongly that before they consume any food or cake.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Muslims are advised strongly that before they consume any food or cake, they are required to verify the ingredients used, the utensils used to cook the food and…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *CHOOSE THE MOST PURE HALAAL FOOD.* *On waking up after 300 years, the miracled youths of the cave(Ashabal Kahf) expressed themselves hungry and delegated someone between them to…
Visit Graves Purposely.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Nowadays, it is written on the board in Baqee’ Qabrastaan in Madinah Munawarah that “we are not supposed to identify whose qabr is it..when visiting Qabrastaan and also…
The beloved Prophet Muhammad Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala The beloved Prophet Muhammad Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam. The birth of a prophet is an important event in heaven and on earth. About this, the Quran says: ”Peace be…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *LET ME HOLD MY KA`BAH!* It is sad that when Hajees and Mu`tamirs comes to hold the curtain of the Ka`bah to supplicate Allah Ta`ala, some hosts of…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala MIRACLES UPON MIRACLES. Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam came as a messenger, as one person inviting others for eternal well being and yet he was the engineer of an…
*Quelques mise au points*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Quelques mise au points* *En premier, connais ki Madame pa so place pou li al faire ziyarat qabrastaan et ni li faire namaz janazah. Sa travail la li…
*Enjoy what you have-2nd part.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Enjoy what you have-2nd part.* *Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam used to turn poverty scale into a joyful one. He himself lived a life of simplicity(Ibn Majah) and refused…
*Enjoy what you have.*
By JonSnow0*Bismihi Ta’ala* *Enjoy what you have.* *The sunnah teaches us to be satisfied with what Allah Ta’ala has given us.* *Rasouloullah swalallahou alaihi wasallam said:* *‘’When someone wakes up in…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THREE REASONS WHY FUTURE HUJJAAJ/MU’TAMIRS ARE REQUESTED TO WEAR THEIR IHRAAM AT MASJID AQSA-JERUSALEM: 1. *FORGIVENESS* عَنْ أُمِّ سَلَمَةَ، زَوْجِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَتْ:…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE MONTH OF SAFAR AND THE DENIAL OF BAD OMENS.*The human being is born with his imagination, his fear and weaknesses. And The Creator confirm this fact: ‘’And man…
Answer to Insults on Rasooloullah swalallahou alaihi wasallam
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala حياة الصحابة – الكاندهلوي – (3 / 197) أخرج ابن المبارك عن حرملة بن عمران عن كعب بن علقمة أن غرفة بن الحارث الكندي رضي الله عنه ــــ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE SUNNAHS AROUND THE DAY OF ASHOURA(10th of Muharram)1444.* The 10th day of Muharram is a special day when Hazrat Moussa a.s. and his people were delivered by…
Around the month of Muharram.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Around the month of Muharram:* *The beloved prophet Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam said: Zul Qa`dah, Zul Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab are four sacred months.(Bukhari) Ulamas defined sacreness of these…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *TO PURPOSELY DIFFERENTIATE.* Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam brought a deen that compels us to believe in all revelations of Allah Ta’ala done to previous prophets. “And who believe…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *ANOTHER UMRAH FROM TAN`EEM.* *On a comparison note, when you are in Makkah settled in your hotel and you have a choice today between a Umrah or to…
We are living in the Fir’auni era.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’alaWe are living in the Fir’auni era.Pharaoh killed thousands of bani isra-eel babies mercilessly. He covered this human crime like nothing.سورة الأعراف (٧): الآيات ١٢٧قالَ سَنُقَتِّلُ أبْناءَهُمْ ونَسْتَحْيِي نِساءَهُمْ…
*Permissibility of reading Qur-aan in graveyards/qabrastaan*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *PERMISSIBILITY OF READING QUR-AAN IN GRAVEYARDS/QABRASTAAN.* *Some people has unfortunately written officially on the Board of the graveyards of Sahabahs r.a. in some parts of the world that it…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’alaPRECAUTIONS BETWEEN THE SOLSTICES.The northern hemisphere is experiencing extreme heat and the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing extreme cold. The weather is in the Hands of Allah. He do whatever…
Sign of Qiyamah has started.
By JonSnow0، عن مالك بنِ يُخامرعن معاذ بنِ جبلِ، قال: قالَ رسولُ الله – ﷺ -: «عُمرانُ بيتِ المقدس خَراب يُثرب، وخرابُ يُثرِبَ خروجُ الملحَمَةِ، وخُروجُ الملحمةِ، فتحُ قُسطَنْطِينيَة، وفتحُ القسطنطينيةِ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE EMBLEMATIC ALLAHU AKBAR.Part 2Reported also that we use the support of Allahu Akbar against emergency odds like great danger and strong dark winds.(Abu Ya`la) مسند أبي يعلى…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE EMBLEMATIC ALLAHU AKBAR!(Part 1) It is sunnah to say azaan on the right ear of the new born and say iqaamah on the left ear. So that…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaONE WHO GOES TO TA-IF SHOULD PUT IHRAAM OF UMRAH IF RETURNING TO HOTEL IN MAKKAH. Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam has set the limits of Miqaat. Reported in Musnad…
On returning from Mina, sunnah to stop for a while in Abtah(Muhassab).
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaOn returning from Mina, important sunnah to stop for a while in Abtah(Muhassab).After the pelting days, when returning to Makkah, Hajis are recommended to go through Abtah and stop…
The Meaty Days
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaTHE MEATY DAYS. 🥩 The 11th, 12th and 13th Zul Hijjah are three days of Tashreeq. Days that meat of Qurbani were dried in the sun ☀️. Those years,…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE RITES OF QURBANI. Q: What is Qurbani ? A: It is the act of slaughtering An specific animal-sheep, goat, ox or camel – during specific days with…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *OBLIGATORY TAKBEER OF TASHREEQ.* *As from 9th Zul Hijjah Fajr, men and women, whether in travel or at home, they should read the Takbeers after Farz salaahs. Men…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala DAY OF ARAFAH V/S THE DAY HAJIS BE IN ARAFAH. Every year people argue that they should fast for the 9th Zul Hijjah- the day called as day…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Q: *IS THE TERM HAJJ AKBAR APPLIED THIS YEAR?* A: The belief of some people that when the day of Arafah in Hajj falls on a Friday, then…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *REWARDS OBJECTIVELY* *The objective of our life is to achieve great conviction upon Allah Ta’ala and accumulate the maximum of rewards before death reach us.* *That is why…
*Maslah lors dette.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Maslah lors dette.* *Alhamdulillah nou quota pou Hajj finne augmenté. Nou remercier Allah Ta’ala pou sa faveur la. Et nou reconnaissant envers banne personnalités ki finne vinne moyen…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *WEARING MEDICAL MASK DURING IHRAAM*. *Due to health protocols, international norms require mask wearing through travelling and throughout any stage of journey. Hence Hajj and Umrah authorities have also applied…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE VIRTUE OF NUMEROUS HAJJS* *A hadith Qudsi reported in Sahih Ibn Hibaan that Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said: “Allah Ta’ala said: Such a person that I have…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MIGHT OF ALLAH TA`ALA OVER US.* *Allah Ta`ala has created and has control over each and every atom in the universe. Continuously in the Quran, Allah Ta`ala…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala GRATEFULNESS TOWARDS OUR MOTHER AISHA R.A. Those non muslims that want to hurt muslim feelings by raising issues on our beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam and His…
By JonSnow0*GRAND MUFTI OF OMAN, ARAB CITIZEN CALLS FOR BOYCOTT INDIAN PRODUCTS AFTER INSULTING REMARKS AGAINST PROPHET MUHAMMAD* _Many Arab citizens started denouncing Indian products. Reports of Indians, who serve a…
Zul Qa'dah: Entering the sacred months span
By JonSnow0BISMIHI TA`ALA ZUL QA`DAH: ENTERING THE SACRED MONTHS SPAN. Allah Taala created the earth and preferred the land of Makkah. And Allah Taala created time and created the moon and…
*First project: Hajj project.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *First project: Hajj project.* *Seeing the difficulties, new conditions, age restrictions, quota reduction and price inflation around Hajj reminds me of the following Hadith:* حدثنا وكيع حدثنا أبو…
*Proof that Pardah and veil is a natural attire of muslim Women. And that ONLY EYES SHOULD BE VISIBLE. FOREHEAD ALSO IS SATAR AND SHOULD BE COVERED.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Proof that Pardah and veil is a natural attire of muslim Women. And that ONLY EYES SHOULD BE VISIBLE. FOREHEAD ALSO IS SATAR AND SHOULD BE COVERED.* سورة…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *NIKAH AVEC CELUI KI LI FINNE FAIRE ENCEINTE.* *Zina ou adultère li bien grave. Nous finne gagne l`ordre pou reste loin avec Adultère. Au fait adultère li tellement…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *NOT CLIMATE CHANGE. RATHER TOO MUCH SINS.* *Droughts, floods, epidemics, poverty are all from Allah Ta’ala. They are subject to the will of Allah Ta’ala. They are not…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *NOT TODAY. BUT EVERYDAY IS MOTHER’S DAY.* For the one who gave you birth, there is not one day for her. Rather everyday care for her and if…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *NOT TODAY. BUT EVERYDAY IS MOTHER’S DAY.* For the one who gave you birth, there is not one day for her. Rather everyday care for her and if…
*Du’as against sicknesses and conspiracies*:
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Du’as against sicknesses and conspiracies*: أَخْبَرَنَا قَتَادَةُ عَنْ أَنَسٍ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ يَقُولُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْبَرَصِ وَالْجُنُونِ وَالْجُذَامِ وَمِنْ سَيِّئْ الْأَسْقَامِ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE IMPORTANCE OF PRACTICING UPON THE DEEN OF ALLAH TA`ALA.* Allah Ta`ala has created us to practice upon His set orders, called Deen. The religion of Islam is…
The month of Shawaal and Hazrat Aisha R.a
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE MONTH OF SHAWAAL AND HAZRAT AISHA R.A.After the month of Ramadhan, comes the month of Shawwal. The month of Shawaal is the first month of Hajj. That…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE ENDING NOTE OF ASTAGHFIRULLAH, ALLAHOUMMAGHFIRLI.* All that have started will end at some point in time. Only the All Mighty Allah has not started. Hence He will…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *SADAQATUL FITR CAN BE GIVEN AS FROM 1ST RAMADHAAN.**Since Sadaqatul Fitr is connected to fasting, then it is permissible to acquit Sadaqatul Fitr as from 1st Ramadhaan.* عَنْ ابْنِ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE ZAKAATUL FITR OR SADAQATUL FITR RAMADHAAN 1443*Allah Ta`ala said in the holy Qur-aan: ‘’ The one who purifies himself has certainly attained success. And then he pronounce the…
*10 derniers nuite et solution ibaadahs.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *10 derniers nuite et solution ibaadahs.**Solution contre fléaux, émeutes, désordres social, etc c’est ki nou garde masjid vivant avec 5 salaahs et ibaadahs. Choisir deux namaaz et reste…
There is no zakaat on a non baligh child.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala According to Hanafis, there is no Zakaat on a non baaligh child. Zakaat is accountable on a baaligh child as from his baaligh date. But Zakaat is still…
L’heure exacte pou Iftaar
By JonSnow0*Mo finne rassembler quelques banne ahadiths cote la Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam et sahabahs ti pe casse roza toutesuite apres ki soleil finne couché:**Et conner ki retarde iftaar li makrooh…
*Music is satinic and haraam*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *MUSIC IS SATINIC AND HARAAM.* *The verse 6 of surah 31 is referred to by Sahabahs that it refers to the prohibition of music.* وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ…
The Respect Of The Masjid.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE RESPECT OF THE MASJID:* 1. The Messenger (Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam) has ordered the building of masjids in each town or village. He has also directed that masjids be…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*SALAAT-UL-WITR.* Salaat-ul-witr is wajib upon man and women daily irrespective of Ramadhaan or not Ramadhaan. It is reported in Abu Dawood and Tirmizi that the beloved prophet SAW said:خَرَجَ عَلَيْنَا…
*Clear Proofs Why Our Children Should Fast*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*CLEAR PROOFS WHY OUR CHILDREN SHOULD FAST.* The major prescription of Ramadhaan is fasting. It is compulsory and incumbent on every muslim male or female, girl or boy that…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *LA LUNE 🌜 ET MIN 29 ROZA* . *Tous d’abord, nou remercier Allah Ta’ala pou ki Li finne donne nou ene deen complète et li finne accorde nou ene…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Hearing that Umrah is opened again Alhamdulillah, happy to share:* MAY THE ROADS OF HARAMAIN BE PERFUMED.* Allah Ta`ala has made Makkah Mukarramah the central spiritual capital for…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW WAS NOT A VEGETARIAN.Reported in Bukhari that Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam advised a sahabah that he should not beg for his needs. Because wealth…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *PRECAUTION OF EXACTNESS OF NEW MOON OF SHA`BAAN FOR THE SAKE OF RAMADHAAN:* حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ زِيَادٍ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ بِشْرِ بْنِ الْحَكَمِ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *YOUR DIFFICULTIES ARE FUEL FOR YOUR SUCCESS.*Allah Ta`ala says ‘’_So, undoubtedly, along with hardship there is ease. Undoubtedly, along with hardship there is ease_.’’(94: 5,6)فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا…
Crushed Black seed with oil and Senna leaves
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala حَدَّثَنا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ أبِي شَيْبَةَ، حَدَّثَنا عُبَيْدُ اللَّهِ، حَدَّثَنا إسْرائِيلُ، عَنْ مَنصُورٍ، عَنْ خالِدِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ، قالَ: خَرَجْنا ومَعَنا غالِبُ بْنُ أبْجَرَ فَمَرِضَ فِي الطَّرِيقِ، فَقَدِمْنا المَدِينَةَ…
*Istighfaar, Sadaqah and Du’as contre difficultés cyclone et maladie.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Istighfaar, Sadaqah and Du’as contre difficultés cyclone et maladie.**Difficultés vini a cause gunah. Alors faire tawbah et demande istighfaar.**Rapporté dan Abu Dawood qui Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam finne…
*Tolerance to the T.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Tolerance to the T.* We are born different, with different colours, different natural abilities, different languages, different taste for food or spices, different potentials and also different health strengths…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *TAKE THE IMAAN VACCINE.**To go through difficulties of this , we need stock of imaan.**Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam asked Allah Ta’ala: _O Allah! Give us that amount of Yaqeen…
Is Halaal & Kosher the same?
By JonSnow0Is Halaal & Kosher the same?Read this Article:KOSHER DOES NOT EQUATE HALAAL! Many Muslims wrongly assume that a product labelled kosher is also halaal and suitable for Muslim consumption. Well, this…
*Please read these masnoon du’as to plead Allah Ta’ala for saviour*:
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Please read these masnoon du’as to plead Allah Ta’ala for saviour*: أعُوذُ بِرِضاكَ مِن سَخَطِكَ، وأعُوذُ بِمُعافاتِكَ مِن عُقُوبَتِكَ، وأعُوذُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ مِن عَذابِكَ وأعُوذُ بِكَ مِنكَ، لا أُحْصِي ثَناءً…
*Istighfaar, Sadaqah and Du’as contre difficultés cyclone et maladie.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Istighfaar, Sadaqah and Du’as contre difficultés cyclone et maladie.**Difficultés vini a cause gunah. Alors faire tawbah et demande istighfaar.**Rapporté dan Abu Dawood qui Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam finne…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *HELP THE STRANDED MUSLIMS* *We request the muslim world to help Afghanistan people that are going into humanitarian crisis on the cause of Islam.**The economic and international boycott that…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE GOODNESS OF MILK.*Reported in Musnad Ahmad and Darul Qutni that Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam said: ‘’Allah Ta`ala has not made a sickness but has also made its…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *SAFEGUARDING YOUR BEAUTY.*[سورة الكهف (١٨): الآيات ٣٩]ولَوْلا إذْ دَخَلْتَ جَنَّتَكَ قُلْتَ ما شاءَ اللَّهُ لا قُوَّةَ إلاَّ بِاللَّهِ*In Surah Kahf, verse 39, Allah Ta’ala teaches us what to…
*Beautify your lifestyle-Part 6.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Beautify your lifestyle-Part 6.* *Someone asked Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam: “Who is the most fortunate person?” Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam answered:*“*_One who has had a lengthy lifespan and…
Beautify your lifestyle-Part 5.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala* Beautify your lifestyle-Part 5.* Beauty is standing long in nafil salaah, doing Zikrullah, learning Quran, following Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam and his practices and that of his companions…
*Beautify your lifestyle(Part 4)*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Beautify your lifestyle(Part 4)* سورة النحل (16): آية 80]وَاللَّهُ جَعَلَ لَكُمْ مِنْ بُيُوتِكُمْ سَكَناً*_‘’Allah has made your houses a place of comfort for you_.’’(16:80*)*Imaam Qurtubi ra, the Spanish…
*Beautify your lifestyle(Part 3) with THE NOBLE QUR-AAN.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Beautify your lifestyle(Part 3) with THE NOBLE QUR-AAN.* *The reading, the learning and the spreading of Qur-aan is amongst the most beautiful, noble and most virtuous activities on…
Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala*I came over this hadith that is accepted by muhadithins as reliable on the authority of Abdullah ibn Amr ra: “When you will see the city of Makkah full…
*Beautify your lifestyle(Part 2).*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Beautify your lifestyle(Part 2).**Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said: “_Allah Ta’ala is beautiful, and He likes what is beautiful. Arrogance is to negate the truth and look down upon…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *BEAUTIFY YOUR LIFESTYLE(Part 1)**Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said: “_Every ummah has a major test. And the major test/weakness of my ummah is wealth._”(Ibn Hibbaan)*أخْبَرَنا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ المُنْذِرِ بْنِ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *NOT PERMISSIBLE TO SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS NOR EXCHANGE GIFTS.* *Wikipedia encyclopedia writes: Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25…
By JonSnow0Bismihi *BE APPRECIATED.* *One want to be appreciated and content in one’s environment. The secret is that you should have a good relationship with your Creator to achieve that.**Hazrat Umar…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE SUNNAH OF SURMA/KOHL. *حَدَّثَنا أحْمَدُ بْنُ يُونُسَ، حَدَّثَنا زُهَيْرٌ، حَدَّثَنا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ عُثْمانَ بْنِ خُثَيْمٍ، عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبّاسٍ، قالَ: قالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ…
Fatimah ra, the Leader of the women of Jannah.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala Fatimah ra, the Leader of the women of Jannah. حَدَّثَنا سُلَيْمانُ بْنُ حَرْبٍ، حَدَّثَنا حَمّادٌ، عَنْ ثابِتٍ، عَنْ أنَسٍ، قالَ: لَمّا ثَقُلَ النَّبِيُّ ﷺ جَعَلَ يَتَغَشّاهُ، فَقالَتْ فاطِمَةُ…
A miqaat that pays
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *We should know that the most precious land on the earth crust is the land of Makkah Mukarramah. The climax of Makkah is Ka`bah.As such the condition of…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *ONLY FACE SWINGING DURING AZAAN. NOT BODY.* *A common mistake by muazzins is to turn the chest on the right swing and left swing during Haya Alas Salaah…
*Du’a contre waswasah (doutes)*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Du’a contre waswasah (doutes)* *=> Lire sa dua la apres fajr et apres maghrib toute suite apres farz* :* أَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ الْعَظِيْمِ وَبِوَجْهِهِ الْكَرِيْمِ* وَسُلْطَانِهِ الْقَدِيْمِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE MODERN PHARAONIC SUPPRESSIONS.**The most repetitive anecdotes that is mentioned in the Noble Qur-aan is the anecdote of Bani Israeel/Moussa as v/s Pharaoh. Allah Ta’ala says:*إنَّ هَذا القُرْآنَ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE AMWAAS EPIDEMIC* *After the conquest of Jerusalem, when they were camping in the border of Jordan-Imwaas or Amwaas-a severe epidemic had outbreak. So they told a great…
*Du’as contre Covid*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Du’as contre Covid* أَخْبَرَنَا قَتَادَةُ عَنْ أَنَسٍأَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ كَانَ يَقُولُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْبَرَصِ وَالْجُنُونِ وَالْجُذَامِ وَمِنْ سَيِّئْ الْأَسْقَامِ*Allahoumma inni arouzoubika minal…
*Patience dans sa l’épidemie la:*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Patience dans sa l’épidemie la:* أخْبَرَنا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الأزْدِيُّ، قالَ: حَدَّثَنا إسْحاقُ بْنُ إبْراهِيمَ، -[٧٩]- قالَ: أخْبَرَنا مَرْحُومُ بْنُ عَبْدِ العَزِيزِ، قالَ: حَدَّثَنا أبُو عِمْرانَ الجَوْنِيُّ،…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE YAQEEN ASSETS.* *Life is a journey. There are ups and downs during one’s lifetime. So we need to be equipped with imaan, yaqeen and conviction upon Allah…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *TOURNE VERS ALLAH TA`ALA.* *Situation repandissement maladie covid dans nou pays finne faire nou atrister de par perte de nous banne familles, camarades et connaissances. La mort li…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE VIRTUES OF FAJR.*صحيح البخاري – (3 / 38)قال أخبرني سعيد بن المسيب وأبو سلمة بن عبد الرحمن أن أبا هريرة قالسمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *WHY COVID IS NOT LEAVING US?* *Covid is the result of our sins.* *Hence, it will not leave us unless we repent sincerely and simultaneously stop the sins*.…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *NOUS SOMMES TOUS DES IMMIGRANTS.*Allah Ta’ala/Dieu a pris le grand-père et la grand-mère du genre humain-Adam a.s. et son épouse Eve/Hawa a.s.- du paradis et les ont fait…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *WE ALL ARE IMMIGRANTS.* Allah Ta`ala/God took the grand father and grand mother of human kind-Adam a.s. and his wife Eve/Hawa a.s.- from paradise and made them migrate…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *PAS PANIQUER SVP. METTE OU CONFIANCE LORS ALLAH TA`ALA. OU POU GAGNE RECOMPENSE DE ENE SHAHEED !* *Meme qui situation covid finne agraver, conner qui c`est par l`ordre…
*The 1/3 shar’ee denomitor.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *The 1/3 shar’ee denomitor.* *When eating , sunnah to eat 1/3 of your stomach, 1/3 water and keep 1/3 for air.(Tirmizi)* وَحَبِيبُ بْنُ صَالِحٍ عَنْ يَحْيَى بْنِ جَابِرٍ الطَّائِيِّ عَنْ…
*Du’a contre waswasah (doutes)*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Du’a contre waswasah (doutes)* *=> Lire sa dua la apres fajr et apres maghrib toute suite apres farz* :* أَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ الْعَظِيْمِ وَبِوَجْهِهِ الْكَرِيْمِ* وَسُلْطَانِهِ الْقَدِيْمِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيْم *A’ouzou…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *ADD MORE ISTIGHFAAR PLEASE * *Due to forceful conditions of the pandemic, certain health conscious environment have enforced Masks during salaah*. *Normally to wear masks during salaah is Makrooh. But…
By JonSnow0*Just as we denounce the genocide and apartheid of Israel to the Palestinian nation, Muslims should denounce and openly condemn the genocide that China is doing to the Uighur Muslims nation.…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *WATCH YOUR FOOTSTEPS.**Allah Ta`ala need a first step from you to increase His guidance light on your way and also He await your first step towards Him to…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *KICK MODI OUT AND LET INDIA BREATH AGAIN.* *Today India is suffocating out of oxygen. And yet yesterday, Modi was yelling in his Bengal election rally :’’Never have…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE EQUILIBRIUM IN RELATIONSHIP. الأدب المفرد – البخاري – (1 / 447)حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللهِ ، قَالَ : حَدَّثَنَا مَرْوَانُ بْنُ مُعَاوِيَةَ ، قَالَ : حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عُبَيْدٍ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM-Part 1. Allah Ta`ala has created the universe and then set it on an equilibrium movement.وَالسَّمَاءَ رَفَعَهَا وَوَضَعَ الْمِيزَانَ [الرحمن : 7]And He raised the Sky high…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *DO THE IMAAN FILL IN.* Imaan is the capital requisite to save us from the musibat/difficulty of hell fire. Without imaan, we are proned to eternal fire. Allah…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala MEETINGS ON THE DAY OF JUM’AH. The best day ever is Friday. أخْبَرَنا سُوَيْدُ بْنُ نَصْرٍ، قالَ: أخْبَرَنا عَبْدُ اللهِ وهُوَ ابْنُ المُبارَكِ، عَنْ يُونُسَ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، قالَ: حَدَّثَنا…
*The solution of financial difficulties is salaah.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *The solution of financial difficulties is salaah.* (Ibn Abi Shaibah)The Life of the Companions – Al-Kandhlawi – (4/277)Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed…
By JonSnow0TIME TO EMBRACE THAT ISLAM THAT NEVER LOOK DOWN UPON AFRICANS, INDIANS, CHINESE OR INDIGENOUS NATIONS. This is because amongst the basic education of the beauty of Islam, the beloved…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *RUN TO ALLAH!* *Allah Ta`ala is The Supreme Master of the universe. He created the sky and the earth with great care and beauty. He then filled creations…
*Happiness and sanctity.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *Happiness and sanctity.* Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam underwent lots of difficulties in his life. And yet he was always smiling and thankful to the bounties that he had.The…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *A HAJJ: YOUR FIRST PROJECT.* Our beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam rightly said: ‘’One who intend to go for Hajj, then he should do quick.’’(Abu Dawood) سنن…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala COMPELLING INVASIVE FITNAHS. Our beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam predicted fitnahs and difficulties that will invade every muslim even if he is sitting in his house. The…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *BECOMING AMONGST THE BEST ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH.* Reported in Muslim shareef that the day of judgement will not come until the Romans/Europeans/Christians will camp/conquer in…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *HOLD TO THE DEEN OF THE ORPHAN!* *You see, Allah Ta`ala sometimes purposely puts His deen and His prophet in a situation where care and attention is needed.…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *ACTION PROMOTION PACKAGE.* Allah Ta`ala said in the Noble Qur-aan :مَنْ جَاءَ بِالْحَسَنَةِ فَلَهُ عَشْرُ أَمْثَالِهَا [الأنعام : 160]‘’Whoever comes with a good deed will receive ten times…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE IMAANI SPIRIT OF STRUGGLING IN THE PATH OF ALLAH. Behind us are those historic battles that Allah Ta`ala reshaped the world though the barkah of Rasouloullah Swalallahou…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala OBVIOUSLY CURSED ZIONISTS.Part 2. No surprise that we read in surah Fatihah that Allah Ta’ala guide us on the straight path and not on the way of the…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala OBVIOUSLY CURSED ZIONISTS.Part 1. The shameless Zionists rejoice on the targeted falling building of Gaza, killing hundreds of children. They tweeted the ayats of surah Elephant where Allah…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala DISARM AND THEN PLUNDER. The Unity of muslims under one banner is a protection and a protective shield against invasions and plundering of muslim resources. Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE IMPUNITY OF TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL WILL WAGE AN INTERNATIONAL WAR. The international community is observing with silence how a terrorist state is evolving in the world…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE GRATEFUL DEEN* *Sometimes the father gives a chocolate to his small son and then he bends down to him-to test him- asking him a small piece of…
The Abrahamic Religion: An Evil Agenda Against Islam
By JonSnow0The Abrahamic Religion: An Evil Agenda Against Islam By Mufti Abdullah Moolla August 10, 2021 2021, August 1, was a memorable Sunday morning. Muftī Rada-ul-Haq, the most senior Ustādh at Dār-ul-‘Ulūm Zakariyya, South Africa,…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE CIRCLE OF LIFE **When i was a child, i use to think that the wealthy will stay wealthy for centuries on. But Allah Ta’ala has set a pattern…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *_DEKHA DEKHI_* *Most of the time of our lives are spent in quest of assets and possessions that others have. We are in a blind competition with our…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE IMPORTANCE OF SUNNAH MUAKKADAH* The 12 Rakaats of Sunnah Muakkadah daily is important and need to be performed with farzs. Neglecting them is sinful. In fact one…
*Du’as of protection:*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Du’as of protection:* *1. The opening ayahs of surah Yaseen until laa youbsiroun**Reading the first ayahs of Surah Yaseen until laa yubsiroun makes you invisible in front of…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *_A TEST FROM ALLAH TA’’ALA. NOT A PUNISHMENT._**Sometimes what happens around us, we tend to refer it as a punishment of Allah Ta’ala or a missing in our…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala TUNING OF DUNYA/DEEN. Know that we have been created in the servitude of Allah Ta’ala. وما خَلَقْتُ الجِنَّ والإنْسَ إلا لِيَعْبُدُونِ “And I have not created the jinns and…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE SWEETS OF BITTER DAYS.Part 1. *وأخرج البيهقي عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنه ما مرفوعًا: «من تمسك بسنَّتي عند فساد أمتي فله أجر مائة شهيد». رواه الطبراني عن أبي…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *TO PURPOSELY DIFFERENTIATE.* Rasouloullah Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam brought a deen that is outsourced from the ORIGINAL deen of prophet Adam a.s., Nuh a.s., Ibrahim a.s., Moossa a.s. and…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala TEST YOUR IMAAN WITH VICTORIES OF MUSLIMS. Although Imaan is hidden in the heart, but Allah Ta`ala has left us with some ‘’indicators’’ of Imaan. Being steadfast with…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE PERMISSIBILITY OF COVID VACCINES. Vaccine is not a new method in the medical quest to improve human life. History writes that the first syringe was first crafted…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Covido-politics.* *You see, this is not the first serious flu viral infection that has gripped us.* *Every year or so, we do get killer flus. It’s was just…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala حَدَّثَنا هِشامُ بْنُ عَمّارٍ، حَدَّثَنا يَحْيى بْنُ حَمْزَةَ، حَدَّثَنا ابْنُ جابِرٍ، حَدَّثَنِي زَيْدُ بْنُ أرْطاةَ، قالَ: سَمِعْتُ جُبَيْرَ بْنَ نُفَيْرٍ، يُحَدِّثُ، عَنْ أبِي الدَّرْداءِ، أنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *TAWAKKUL AVEC PRECAUTION.* Li ene fausse conception pou dire ki nou mette nou confiance lors Allah Ta`ala sans prend precaution. Dans nou kitaab ecrire ki nié asbaab/moyens li…
*Turkey, Jordan and Pakistan distinguished for welcoming millions of refugees.*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Turkey, Jordan and Pakistan distinguished for welcoming millions of refugees.**According to United Nations figures, Turkey is the country that host most refugees around the globe. I cite the…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *TIPS OF THE ICEBERGS.* *Recently, we saw two incidents in Afghanistan that showed how the Americans treat Muslims as rodents. When there was a blast in the airport…
*The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(5TH Part)*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(5TH Part)* *Allah Ta`ala says in the Noble Qur-aan, in Surah ‘’Saffaat: Those drawn up in…
*The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(4th Part).*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(4th Part).* مصنف ابن أبي شيبة – (1 / 379)حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ أَبِي بُكَيْرٍ ، قَالَ…
*The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(3rd Part).*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(3rd Part).* *On the day of Qiyaamah, we will be presented in front of Allah Ta`ala…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE IMPORTANCE OF A STRAIGHTENED SAFF IN SALAAH, LEAVING NO GAPS IN BETWEEN(Part 2).* سنن أبى داود – ()حَدَّثَنَا عِيسَى بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ الْغَافِقِيُّ حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ ح و…
*The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(1st Part).*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *The importance of a straightened saff in salaah, leaving no gaps in between(1st Part).* *The last gaze of Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam on the Ummah was in Fajr…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *THE INVESTMENT FOR SUCCESS.* *To succeed tomorrow you need an investment of Taqwa today.*واتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ*_A few times in the Noble Qur-aan, Allah Ta’ala has commended us…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Looking up in the sky.* *حَدَّثَنا يَحْيى بْنُ يَحْيى، قالَ: قَرَأْتُ عَلى مالِكٍ، عَنْ مَخْرَمَةَ بْنِ سُلَيْمانَ، عَنْ كُرَيْبٍ، مَوْلى ابْنِ عَبّاسٍ، أنَّ ابْنَ عَبّاسٍ أخْبَرَهُ، أنَّهُ باتَ…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *Spiritual adjustments* *Humans are created from clay. So adjustments is possible to our daily routines.* عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، أخْبَرَنِي أبُو سَلَمَةَ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، أنَّ أبا هُرَيْرَةَ رضي الله عنه،…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala CLIMATE CHANGE HEATED BY SINS. The chaotic condition that prevail in the world as per health issues, economic issues and environmental issues are all due to man`s evil…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *AVOID SLEEPING AFTER FAJR SALAAH UNTIL SUNRISE.* Normally it is Makrooh to sleep in such a time that will make you miss salaah. That is why Fuqahas said…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta’ala *We are living under His Mercy**_Every day we live, every step we take, every breath we take and every milliliter of blood that circulate in our body are all…
By JonSnow0Mufti Mackoujee: Bismihi Ta’ala *JUMMAH DANS SITUATION LOCKDOWN.* *Après consultation de banne ulamas, banne authorités de différents écoles de pensés et banne responsable dans les zotes domaines, nous finne prépare…
By JonSnow0Mufti Mackoujee: Bismihi Ta`ala *ABSTAIN FROM THE IMPERFECT VACCINE.* Every medication has its respective dose, prescription, allergies and side effects. Some researchs have shown that some vaccines do cause certain…
By JonSnow0Mufti Mackoujee: Bismihi Ta`ala *THE BRAVERY OF BELIEVERS.* Bravery is one of the noble qualities of the prophets. When the need arise, they use to take the vest of bravery,…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala SOLUTION OF WATER CRISIS/PANDEMIC . During the Ijtimas touring around Africa in 2008, Bhai Haji Abdul Wahab was stressing whole way through about istighfaar as a means to…
By JonSnow0*REDIAL THE SAME DU’AS PLEASE.* *Du’as and Sadaqahs are the solution to many difficulties and means to avoid many havocs in life. Both are not a ONE-GO application, but rather…
By JonSnow0*THE SUNNAH OF CONCEDING.* All start has an end. All rise has a fall. All victory will end, one day or the other. Prophets have come to announce that after…
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *BE THE BEST.* *Our beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam is the model for us to imitate. Any ideology and practice that is away from the sunnah is…
Beware of Candy Fruit Cubes from France
By JonSnow0Beware that Candy Fruit Cubes from France contains E 120 and hence haram.
The answer to islamophobia is the gentle sunnah
By JonSnow0The beloved prophet Muhammad SAW came as the last prophet and hence brought a standard that answers to all possible dilemmas, difficulties, or challenges until the last day of judgement.…
The maslas around the departures of hajees
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE MASLAS AROUND THE DEPARTURES OF HAJEES.* First of all know that any travelling does not allow us to postpone or to pray salaah in advance from its…
Amidst the symbols of Allah Ta'ala
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala.The prescriptions of shariah are of different importance and status. There are five major obligations(farzs) of Islam: Creed, Salaah, Zakaat, Fasting Ramadhaan and Hajj. After them are the wajibs…
The eclipse salaah-May be Today
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Some scientific calculation are projecting that Central African countries, Southern Africa, Madagascar, Comores, Mayottes, Seychelles, Reunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues may see a solar eclipse on Thursday 1st September…
The Important Of Visiting The Masjidul Aqsa And Also The Sunnah Of Wearing Ihraam Of Umra From There.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE IMPORTANCE OF VISITING THE MASJIDUL AQSA AND ALSO THE SUNNAH OF WEARING IHRAAM OF UMRAH FROM THERE.*The birth of the land`s surface owes its surfacing over the sea…
Unkeep our external beauty-Part 4.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*UPKEEP OUR EXTERNAL BEAUTY-Part 4.* *A woman`s external robe is her constant keen to cover herself, dissimulate her silouhette and protect her chastity. She does not travel alone and she…
Follow the law of the country.
By JonSnow0*FOLLOW THE LAW OF THE COUNTRY.* The beloved prophet Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam was a man of principle. He never betrayed anyone during his life. He was a citizen of Makkah,…
The sunnah of self-sufficiency.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE SUNNAH OF SELF-SUFFICIENCY.* *The beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam was a person that was a mercy for the universe. He showed the world the mercy way of ruling…
The fragile human-kind.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaTHE FRAGILE HUMAN-KIND.The more we grow, the more we learn that we are fragile. First, when we were at inception, there could be a small factor that could stop…
The footsteps of Hazrat Bilaal R.A-2nd part.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE FOOTSTEPS OF HAZRAT BILAAL R.A-2nd part.Islam is the simplest religion on the surface of the earth. When people saw Bilaal r.a., the African called the azaan by…
Conjugal Harmony
By JonSnow0According to the Shariah, man is held responsible for his wife and children. The Qur’an has entrusted to man the responsibility of feeding and protecting his family as well as…
The month of Shabaan and getting ready for the month of Ramadhaan
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has created out of nothing all things which we see and which we do not. The heavens, the earth, water, angels, man, wild animals, satan the outcast, time…
Women Section
By JonSnow0Explanation on Menses (Haidh) 1.The habitual and normal blood,which comes out of the vagina of a mature woman every month,is called haidh. 2.The minimum duration for Haidh is three days…
Masnoon Duas
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Du`as li la source de banne `ibadat. Si ene dimoune pas pe capave faire ene `ibadat, alors li demane du`a afin ki Allah Ta`ala aide li pou li…
Democracy between veiled and non-veiled women
By JonSnow0Islam has come to perfect human life. It is the religion which includes all aspects of living. Islam is a complete code of living for men as well as women.…
The Harmful Effects Of Food Of Doubtful Origin
By JonSnow0Since his creation, man has realized that he has been favored by his Creator. Allah has granted him the latent qualities which allow him to impose his supremacy over his…
Article on halal nutrition
By JonSnow0The Beverages Of Prophet Muhammad (saw) Human anatomy is mostly made up of liquid. It is said that human body is composed of seventy percent liquid. And it is well…
Amateurism v/s Professionalism
By JonSnow0We live in a world of advanced specialization and expertise. To understand certain complex subjects, we are compelled to have recourse to specialists. These people have spent years studying the…
The Fasting of Ramadhaan
By JonSnow0One’s day fasting in Ramadhaan = reward of one lifetime.The great month of Ramadhaan is coming. What treasure does it hold? What benefit fasting brings to us? What is the…
The inheritance scenario
By JonSnow0The essence of Law of inheritance of a Muslim is sourced mainly from the Holy Qur’aan. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) classified the knowledge of Mirath (ethical distribution…
Importance of being a believer
By JonSnow0In the world of creation, man distinguishes himself by means of these specific aspects; his handsomeness, his intelligence and his values. Since he is blessed with an aesthetic physique, that…
An-Nikkah, the Muslim Marriage Contract
By JonSnow0Islam is a just and moderate religion which advocates justice, peace and human understanding. Islam is a code of conduct which encompasses with moderation all the aspects of human life:…
Concerning the Solar Water Heater
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’al has created everything that is on the earth to be of service to man. “It is He Who has created for you all things that are on earth.”…
Salaah at its prescribed times
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has stated: « Verily, salaat (prayer) restrains from shameful and evil deeds. » (29: 45). However, for that salaat to be effective, it must be accomplished at its…
Religion and Development
By JonSnow0It is not true to say that religion can be an obstacle to development in this world. On the contrary, religion has educated man by establishing for him a code…
Making Mauritius a halal country
By JonSnow0To those who follow the Messenger (saw), Allah Ta’ala prescribes what is acceptable, forbids what is blameful, makes good things lawful and prohibits bad things. The Qur’an and the Sunnah…
The rites of Qurbani
By JonSnow0Q: What is Qurbani ?A: It is the act of slaughtering An specific animal-sheep, goat, ox or camel – during specific days with the sole objective of pleasing Allah Ta’ala.…
Islam, woman and make-up
By JonSnow0Islam, as has been incessantly repeated, has come to perfect human life. It is the religion which includes all aspects of living. It is a complete way of life for…
The Month of Shawwal and Hazrat Aisha (ra)
By JonSnow0After the month of Ramadhan, comes the month of Shawwal.The month of Shawaal is the first month of Hajj. That is, it is permissible to say labbaik for Hajj as…
Visit to Madinah Munawwarah
By JonSnow0Meeting of loversLove is a symbol of devotion, the dedication that one has for a divinity, an ideal or another person. The heart is the seat of love. For example…
Disclaimer Notice
By JonSnow0If you wish not to receive sms or mail from then please send us your name and cell-phone number on 9511333.
Islamic rites at birth
By JonSnow01. At the time of birth, give the azaan in the right ear of the child and iqaamah in the left ear. (Tirmizi). (The texts of azaan and iqaamah are…
The importance of Jum'ah
By JonSnow0The Importance Of Jum’ah In the universe of creation, man is the most perfect creation that Allah Ta’ala has created. Allah Ta’ala created man with both His hands (Qur’aan:38;75) and…
The fields of activity of man and woman
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has created man first and then woman and has placed both of them on earth with specific responsibilities for each. Allah Ta’ala has said: “O Mankind! Fear your…
Qurbani overseas
By JonSnow0The word qurbani is derived from the word qurb which means nearness, approach. Al qurbaan, which is the Arabic idiom, is defined as being any work which leads to divine…
The mirage of games of chance
By JonSnow0Certain dealings or actions are often attractive and even promising, whereas in appearance they are deceptive. Like the mirage in the desert, its look and its image promise to the…
The pollution of insubordination
By JonSnow0Q. Can cosmetic products originating from the Dead Sea be used?A. No, as this would be tantamount to a pollution resulting from insubordination or disobedience.Let us examine the following explanation:…
The purpose of life
By JonSnow0The trials of our DeedsVery often we ask ourselves the questions: Why are we here? What are we doing here? Or again (we ask) the reasons of our existence.Ever since…
Islam favors capital punishment
By JonSnow0Islam advocates the value of life so much as to make it sacred. So sacred that one life is equal to the whole of mankind. The Qur’an is very explicit…
The components of love and those of hate
By JonSnow0Divine LoveAllah Ta’ala is just and does not establish anything without a proper balance. The proof is that Allah Ta’ala has established a balance in the universe, by means of…
The ultimate quest for Lailat-ul-Qadr 1437
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala creates and He has all the right to privilege some of His creations over others. Allah Ta`ala has favoured man over Angels and Jinns at dawn of our…
The dog in perspective
By JonSnow0By listening to the different reactions of the general public after the incident which occurred in Grand Gaube some time back concerning dogs which had savagely assaulted children, one is…
The symbol of the Hijri calender
By JonSnow0Respect for symbols is most important in religious matters, since they represent the faith itself. The symbols or Sha’a-ir are the emblems of that sense of belonging, such as the…
Interfaith Cohesion
By JonSnow0Islam is a moderate religion which allows us to live in perfect cohesion with other communities. On arriving in Madinah, one of the first initiatives of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was…
The Beverages of Prophet Muhammad (saw)
By JonSnow0Human anatomy is mainly made up of liquid. It is said that the human body is composed of seventy percent liquid. And that is exactly what Allah Ta’ala has revealed…
The beauty and splendour of Islam
By JonSnow0Islam is at once a religious and a complete way of living adapted for humankind by our Creator. It is the only religion which deals with all aspects of human…
The direction of Qiblah: The Kabah
By JonSnow0The word Kabah literally means an elevation, a height and the Qiblah means a direction, the direction of the face. The Kabah is the Qiblah of the earth and Allah…
The Citadel of Masnoon Du’as
By JonSnow0In heaven, there were two deeds which the Lord did not like: that of Satan and that of Adam (as). However, the Lord grants many opportunities for forgiveness and for…
Islam does not encourage wastage
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala (God) has created everything that is on earth for man’s use. “He it is Who created for you all that’s on earth.” (2: 29). Water, petroleum, gold, foodstuffs.…
The sharing out of inheritance according to Islam
By JonSnow0According to the Qur’an and the Ahadith, it is compulsory for the Muslim to distribute his inheritance in accordance with the Shari`ah. It is therefore his duty to make the…
The calculation of centuries as deciphered from the Qur’an
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has created the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the earth, the trees, in short, everything including man. To express His great love for His favourite creature…
Some Reasons to believe
By JonSnow0As soon as a murder is perpetrated, the investigators follow the clues in order to establish the identity of the actual murderer or murderers of such a horrible crime. However,…
Abortion is a cruel act
By JonSnow0Life is sacred. So sacred that one life is worth the whole of mankind. The Qur’aan is very clear in that respect: “if a person killed another person not in…
A religious, legal and medical analysis of the sexual offences bill.
By JonSnow0We are all concerned by the Sexual Offences Bill (SOB). That is why we have to examine the issue from several angles so as to situate the correct stand as…
The gifts of Mi`raj
By JonSnow0Me’iraaj or the ascent of beloved holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) from Makkah via Jerusalem up to the seventh heaven is among the most miraculous phenomena of man’s history. During a…
Eid ul Adhaa Mubarak !
By JonSnow0Every religion holds fast to a certain ritual. In fact, such rituals are worn as finery and represent the true face of the religion. It is important to enhance the…
Nations united in a crussade
By JonSnow0Since the 11th September 2001, the world has undergone a change in its judgment. An unclaimed attack on the Twin Towers had not only shaken the United States, but had…
The ten sacred days of Zil Hijjah
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has created out of nothing all the things that we see and that we do not see. By means of His divine decree, He has wanted to favour…
The victory of islamic democracy
By JonSnow0Religion has educated man by establishing for him a manner of behaviors which is very humane. Although religion deprives him of prohibited things, yet the prescriptions of Islam only promote…
The blessings of our small island
By JonSnow0The principle of the sense of gratitude is a fundamental pivot in the building up of the Shariah. This principal demands the belief in the unity of Allah, in the…
The leather and gelatin industries
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has created man and sent him on earth for a short stay. However, He has not left him alone. On the contrary, He has conditioned him to live…
Les jeunes du mois sacré d`Allah Ta`ala: Muharram
By JonSnow0Dans l`univers de la création, Allah Ta`ala a voulu exprimer sa Majesté et Son Splendeur par les différences entre la lumière et le noir, la force du bien et celle…
L`issue de la gelatine
By JonSnow0Dans la vie très souvent il faut faire des choix. Des fois il existe des multiples alternances et des fois on est contraint à des options très difficiles. Dans toutes…
Sir A.R.Mohamed: My community first and foremost!
By JonSnow0When somebody has done us a service or a favour, we must be grateful. Gratefulness is not only a human duty but it is also a religious prescription. By the…
Le mois sacré d`Allah Ta`ala: Muharram
By JonSnow0Dans l`univers de la création, Allah Ta`ala a voulu exprimer sa Majesté et Son Splendeur par les différences entre la lumière et le noir, la force du bien et celle…
Quelques conseils halaal
By JonSnow0Pourquoi l`abatage mécanique ne conforme pas selon le coran ? Pour connaître la vraie réponse ayons recours vers les sources divines: le Coran et le Sounnah . Le Coran est…
For Allah’s sake, do not pronounce Talaaq
By JonSnow0In the view of the fact that several hundred families suffer from an irresponsible decision that is always regretted, this matter is of concern to us and that is why…
Vit en ce monde comme un voyageur
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a cree les planetes et les cieux et Il les a mis en movement. La planete terre voyage autour du soleil. Le soleil quand a lui voyage dans…
The sun, the moon and the calenders
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has created the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the earth, the trees, in short, everything including man. In order to express this great love for this…
Autour du monde halaal
By JonSnow0Pendant le 20éme siècle, le monde est devenu un ‘global village’. Pour répondre aux nouvelles normes, la technologie est indispensable. C`est ainsi qu`on se sert de la technologie pour répondre…
Superstition : pas de place en Islam.
By JonSnow0L`homme détient la faculté de la raison et cela lui permet aussi de raisonner et ainsi d`imaginer. Cette faculté quoi que formidable, mais peut etre aussi dangereux pour son foi…
Les Solstices des calendriers
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala a Conçu le soleil et la lune pour divers motifs. «C’est Lui qui a fait du soleil une clarté, et de la lune une lumière, et Il en…
L`importance de la priere du Vendredi : Le Jum`ah
By JonSnow0La priere du Vendredi porte une importance spéciale parce que le Coran a appellee specialement a cette priere. Allah Ta`ala (Dieu) dit : ‘‘O vous qui avez cru ! Quand…
Les maux des jeunes et leurs remedes islamiques
By JonSnow0Pour cause de nombreux facteurs, malheureusement notre jeunesse perd ses couleurs, ses valeurs. Cela fait dresser les oreilles d`entendre leur exploit lorsqu`il ou elle se met à un exercice de…
The status of tahiyyatul masjid
By JonSnow0Q) There are ahadiths that report that one should pray two rakaats of Tahiyatul Masjid before one sits when entering masjid. Has that person sinned if he sits without reason when he enters…
The inheritance scenario (part 2)
By JonSnow0According to circumstances affecting the family members, a fara-id member may turn into ‘asabah. A few examples of fara-id are the wife, the husband, daughter, sister and also the parents…
La médecine du prophet Muhammad (pssl)
By JonSnow0Allah taala a cree les choses en equilibre. La chaleur de lequateur est limitée par les glaces du pole nord et sud. Il a établit une equilibre dans lespace afin…
Les jolis noms musulmans.
By JonSnow0L`importance de porter un joli nom est de bien le prononcer. Il est une pratique courante dans notre société de nommer les enfants sans savoir la signification ni la source…
Let's fast on Mondays for Yaum un Nabi (saw)
By JonSnow0Yaum un Nabi SAW literally means “THE DAY OF THE PROPHET(SAW)”. The day that was peculiar to the prophet Muhammad SAW was Monday. It is reported on the authority of…
Les préférés du prophète Muhammad (pssl)
By JonSnow0Parmi les preferes du saint prophete p.s.s.l., il aimait de boire de l`eau fraiche. L`eau a toujours fait partie du menu du saint prophète Muhammad(s.a.w). Le prophète d`Allah paix soit…
L’incontournable justice divine
By JonSnow0L’histoire de l’homme témoigne que le succès et son bien-être dépendaient de la relation qu’il a développée vis-à-vis de son Créateur. Aujourd’hui, personne ne veut nommer son enfant Pharaon, même…
L’Islam intégrant ou conservateur ?
By JonSnow0L’histoire admet le fait que l’Islam est la religion la plus intégrante de par sa révélation à Prophète Muhammad – Paix soit sur lui.C’est son aspect conservateur qui a contribué…
Les règles de la menstruation.
By JonSnow0Q : C`est quoi la menstruation ?R : La menstruation c`est l`écoulement mensuel du sang du vagin d`une dame adulte avant la ménopause(55 ans). On l`appel aussi ‘’regle’’ ou ‘’haiz’’.…
Les réalités des rêves
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a crée l`homme de l`argile crissante(15 :28). Il lui a façonné de Sa main béni(38 :75). Il lui a accorde la meilleur silhouette(95 :4). Et pour lui donner…
L’avortement de par la loi d’exception
By JonSnow0La vie est sacrée. Si sacrée qu’une seule vie peut valoir l’humanité toute entière. Le Coran est très explicite à ce sujet: ” Celui qui a tué un être humain…
Les sacrifices honorés
By JonSnow0Un homme devient honorable lorsqu’il est apprécié pour ses œuvres et ses sacrifices. La valeur religieuse mène vers l’humanisme et le pacifisme que prêchaient les prophètes. C’est pour cela que…
Les pas de Hazrat Bilal (ra)
By JonSnow0La justice sans pareille de l’islam est reconnue partout dans le monde. L’Islam n’a jamais promu le racisme et ni la discrimination raciale. Souvent on parle du complexe d’infériorité de…
La recette du bonheur selon l'Islam
By JonSnow01. LE BONHEURChaque être humain souhaité, à un moment ou un autre de sa vie, connaitre le bonheur. Et chacun a sa propre conception du bonheur. Pour certains, le bonheur…
L`esprit du Hajj et la visite a Madinah
By JonSnow0Certes le Hajj est un événement très important sur le calendrier islamique. Allah ta`ala dit :‘‘Ils s`interrogent sur les nouvelles lunes- Dis :«Elles servent aux gens pour compter le temps,…
Enfin est arrivé Ramadan
By JonSnow0Le saint Prophète – Paix soit sur lui – attendait le Ramadan avec enthousiasme. C’est un mois qui est rempli de bénédictions, qui mérite d’être vénéré comme il se doit.…
Les signes du jour du jugement.
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a créé toutes choses existantes et il a décrété la fin de toutes ces choses. ‘’ Tout ce qui est sur elle -la terre- doit disparaître. Seule subsistera…
L`homme le plus affluant de l`humanité
By JonSnow0Le prophète Muhammad (saw) reste l`homme le plus affluant de l`humanité.Pour distinguer et classer plusieurs personnalités du monde, non seulement leurs progrès dans leurs entourages nationales sont a considéré, mais…
Comment distribuer mon heritage d'apres Islam
By JonSnow0Selon Quraan et Hadith, li obligatoire pou ki éne musalmaan so du bien distribuer parmi so banne héritiers d’après Shari`at. Donc li ene devoir ki ene personne faire demarche pou…
L'azaan: Symbole integrant de l'Islam
By JonSnow0Puisque l`être humain est doté de l`intelligence, il a la liberté de choisir. Il a la faculté d`opter le bien et aussi il peut se laisser tenter à choisir le…
La corrélation du jour, de la nuit et des calendriers.
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a crée la terre, le soleil, la lune et l`univers afin qu`on Lui reconnait et qu`on Lui accepte comme Dieu. ‘’En vérité, dans la création des cieux et…
Les conditions du tirage au sort selon la shariat
By JonSnow0Tous d`abord sachons que la shariah est définit par la jurisprudence du Coran et de la sounnah. Le Coran est le livre sacré de Dieu et conserve donc la place…
Umrah 2016
By JonSnow0L`Umrah est un sunnah très important. L`homme est fait de l`argile. ‘’ Parmi Ses signes: Il vous a créés de terre, – puis, vous voilà des hommes qui se dispersent…
Les résultats inondés de l`insoumission
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala est le créateur de ce monde et des humains. Le ciel et la terre lui appartient. Et il a le droit d`exiger de lui obéir. Et ainsi le…
Les rites funéraires d`un musulman.
By JonSnow0La vie est la création d`Allah. Lui seule peut donner la vie : ‘’Puis Il lui donna sa forme parfaite et lui insuffla de Son Ame. Et Il vous a…
Les rites islamiques lors d'une naissance
By JonSnow0La naissance, le commencement de sa vie est un moment intense pour chaque individus. C`est un moment de joie pour la mère et le père de l`enfant. L`enfant respire son…
Ramadan: Le mois du Coran
By JonSnow0Le Coran. Le Coran est le livre sacré de Dieu que les musulmans vénère le plus. Sur l`estrade de la jurisprudence islamique, le Coran se situe le plus haut podium.…
La clarté de la lune.
By JonSnow0Récemment on avait eut une ‘’Super lune’’. C`était vraiment très beau a regarder, lorsque la lune était dans sa position la plus proche de la terre. Dans un ciel noir,…
La modération du Sunnah.
By JonSnow0A chaque prière on lit la chapitre de l`ouverture(Fatiha) d`ou on implore Allah pour le guidance. ‘’O Allah guides nous vers le chemin droit.’’ Le chemin droit est décrit comme…
Le couleur d`Allah Ta`ala
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala est le créateur unique qui a crée toutes choses. Il a choisi les formes et les couleurs des créatures. Dans l`art de sa creation on perçoit qu`il aime…
Les prudences et les remèdes du Coran et du Sunnah
By JonSnow0La santé est une grande faveur d`Allah et bien souvent on ignore cette faveur. Le prophete Muhammad est un modèle qui nous encourage a garder cette faveur : ‘’Deux faveurs…
L`arrosoir des bons conseils
By JonSnow0Des fois on conseille nos enfants, nos subordonnes afin qu`ils puissent ecouter et reussir de par les bons conseilles et l`experience de leurs ainés. Mais bien souvent de fois lors…
The equilibrial sense of I'tikaaf
By JonSnow0Religion has been established to provide man with a sense of balance and perfection in his life. In the absence of religion, man loses his human bearings and cannot lead…
Eviter le bain de sang
By JonSnow0La guerre des privilèges et du pouvoir a été toujours le motif des tueries dans le monde. Au fait de par cette nature de l`homme , les anges ont objecté…
Le physique du prophète Muhammad (SAW).
By JonSnow0Le prophète Muhammad(paix soit sur lui) est l`homme qui a comble l`humanité de par sa grâce et son sagesse. Il était sage et fort physiquement aussi. On parle très rarement…
Consolation aux victimes d`Islamophobie.
By JonSnow0L`Islam est une religion qui englobe tout une mode de vie et qui est tout a fait conformiste avec les natures humaines. Allah Ta`ala dit: ” Suivez la nature sur…
The spiritual nature of Ziyarat
By JonSnow0The earth retains the footsteps of whoever walks on it. In this manner, it retains the effects of the actions of those who have stayed on it. Allah Ta’ala has…
The flower of friendship
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala is our Creator and therefore the Creator of our feelings. Allah Ta’ala wishes that friendship and peace hold sway among human beings. Islam as a religion is not…
La croyance dans le destin
By JonSnow0Avoir conviction sur le destin est parmi les croyances de base de l`Islam. Tous ce qui a été, tous ce qui sont et seront sont dans la connaissance d`Allah et…
When in doubt, don't !
By JonSnow0The knowledge which the Prophet (PBUH) has brought is the most precious heritage of the universe. By the way, our existence and that of the world depend entirely upon that…
Vacances saines pour nos jeunes.
By JonSnow0L`homme est crée sur une nature que Dieu lui a choisi. Allah Ta`ala lui a voulu qu`il ne soit pas comme les anges qui ne se fatiguent jamais. ‘’Ceux qui…
Les potentiels humains
By JonSnow0Ecoutez bien. Allah Ta`ala nous a donné des potentiels que personne de la création n`ont pu réunir ensemble. Dieu veut qu`on sert de ces potentiels pour lui découvrir et lui…
Mandela, an Islamophile
By JonSnow0Like all Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) used to condemn the rejection of faith and adultery. Like Jesus and Moses, he used to preach the truth and honesty. He did preach…
L`année du Coran et non pas de Gregor
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a crée la terre, le soleil, la lune et l`univers afin qu`on Lui reconnait et qu`on Lui accepte comme Dieu. ‘’En vérité, dans la création des cieux et…
Les droits des enfants et de la famille
By JonSnow0L`Islam n`est pas seulement de nom, mais plutôt une mode de vie complète. Le prophète Muhammad est venu pour informer a chacun la définition de son droit et ainsi de…
L`Islam : la religion de la démocratie
By JonSnow0L`Islam est venu pour parfaire la vie humaine. C`est la religion qui englobe tous les aspects de la vie. Elle est un mode de vie complet pour les hommes aussi…
Les compagnons du prophète SAW
By JonSnow0C`est le principe d`Allah Ta`ala de choisir la ville principale d’un pays pour envoyer un prophète. ’’ Ton Seigneur ne fait pas périr des cités avant d’avoir envoyé dans leur…
L`amour entre couple.
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala est juste et n’établit rien sans un bon équilibre. La preuve c’est que Allah Ta’ala a établi un tel équilibre dans l’univers que la lune tourne autour de…
L`Islam et la chasteté
By JonSnow0La religion de l`Islam prescrit l`habillement du corps humain ainsi que sa chasteté. Allah Ta`ala, a créé toutes les créatures avec des instincts distinctifs. Chaque créature a chacune sa forme,…
L`Intimité entre couple
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a créé l`homme et la femme avec un instinct sexuelle. Pour combler et satisfaire cela, Allah Ta`ala a prescrit le Nikah ou l`acte de mariage avant toute relation…
Le prophète Muhammad (saw): Une bénédiction pour l`univers
By JonSnow0Pour distinguer et classer plusieurs personnalités du monde, non seulement leurs progrès dans leurs entourages nationales sont a considéré, mais aussi et surtout au niveau de l`individuel vis-à-vis les valeurs…
Les poisons de l`amour
By JonSnow0Le prophète Muhammad SAW a non seulement nous a averti sur les affaires de l`au dela, mais aussi il nous a instruit une vie saine ici bas. Il nous a…
La préparation du mois de Ramadhaan
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a crée du néant toutes les choses que l`on voit et qu`on ne voit pas. Les cieux, la terre, l`eau, les anges, l`homme, les animaux de la jungle,…
La protection contre la sorcellerie
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a créé toutes choses qui existent dans l`univers. Le poisson dans l`eau ou le scorpion venimeux sont tous ses créations. Au fait dans l`art de sa création on…
Le respect de la Ka`bah.
By JonSnow0Les prescriptions de l`Islam ne changeront pas jusqu`au dernier jour. C`est parce que les sources divines de l`Islam restent inchangé. Pas besoin d`incorporer avec les autres religions ou même pas…
Le dosage d`amour dans le couple
By JonSnow0Sachons que les dernières paroles du saint prophète Muhammad (p.s.s.l) étaient axées sur les droits des subordonnés. “Ayez peur d’Allah sur la salah et aussi sur vos esclaves. » (Ibn…
La sacrée `Eid-ul-Fitr.
By JonSnow0Al Fitr signifie rompt le jeune. De la même source est dérivé le terme ‘iftaar’. `Eid ul Fitr signifie la fête célébré à la fin jeunes de Ramadhan. Apres un…
Défendons-nous par les actions
By JonSnow0L’ère que nous vivons est le pire que l’Ummah ait pu voir jusqu’ici. C’est triste de voir le Ummah souffrir dans une apocalypse perpétuelle. On peut sentir les douleurs puisque…
Le dattier et la datte
By JonSnow0Imaginez pour un instant que vous viviez à l`époque avant l`arriver du prophète Muhammad Sallahu `alaihi wa sallam. A l`époque avant la venue de l`Islam. Et que les lumières des…
Conseils d`avant le mois du Ramadhaan
By JonSnow0C`est le sunnah du prophète Muhammad que paix soit sur lui de délivrer un discours avant les rituels ou les principaux événements du calendrier islamique. Le prophète SAW est venue…
L`émmigration des palestiniens
By JonSnow0Depuis le premier jour de la création, Le créateur a été très compassion sur l`homme. Il lui a avertit de ses ennemies préalablement avant que ces ennemies ne leurs cause…
L`Islam n`est pas intolérant
By JonSnow0L`Islam est le mode de vie conçue par le Créateur pour les humains. Le Créateur veut le bien, la paix et le développement des humains. Ne voyons `nous pas la…
Les préparatifs du Hajj
By JonSnow0Le Hajj a toujours existait depuis des millénaires, même avant l`époque de Ibrahim a.s. Au fait le premier lieu de culte sur la surface de la terre a été à…
La protection contre la croisade du siècle
By JonSnow0Les actions parlent plus fort que des mots, dit-on. On peut juger quelqu`un de par ses actions et non pas de par ses déclarations. Quoi que la déclaration est considérée…
Les rites du Hajj 1437
By JonSnow0Le Hajj est définie comme l`accomplissement des certains rituels particuliers pendant des jours spécifiques. C`est ainsi que le hajj est accompli principalement pendant les jours de hajj : le 8…
Mosques: their importance & the respect due to them
By JonSnow01. The prophet (saw) has ordered the building of mosques in each town or village. He has also directed that mosques be kept clean and that they be perfumed every…
Le Qurbani : un symbole de l`Islam
By JonSnow0Chaque religion tient à un certain rituel. Au fait, ces rituels se portent comme des parures et deviennent le visage même de la religion. Il est important de valoriser ces…
Utilisation optimum des ressources mondiales
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a voulu le développement de cet ère et donc Il veut que l`homme prend bénéfice a travers l`utilisation des ressources naturelles qu`Il a dissimulé dans la terre. Au…
La nécessité d`un Umrah.
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a choisi Ibrahim a.s. pour la reconstruction du Ka`bah. Pour faire revivre cette ville sacrée, Abraham a du se séparer de sa famille et son fils Ismael. Et…
Tie the ihram of your Umrah in Masjid ul Aqsa (in Jerusalem)
By JonSnow0Mecca is the mother other of cities-more precisely, the earth under the Kaabah – Akhbaar Makkah. Allah has favoured Mecca for the building of the first masjid: “The first House…
La liberté d`expression n`est pas pour faire des insultes.
By JonSnow0Selon des recherches sur les délits de caricatures ces dernières dizaine d`années, c`était le journal Danois Jyllands Posten qui en l`année 2006 publia des caricatures insultantes sur le prophète Muhammad…
Avance ta main de la barbe du prophète SAW!
By JonSnow0Pour vivre en paix il faut que chaque citoyen respecte l`autre co-citoyen. Le respect en son ensemble comprend protéger l`honneur, le sang et le bien de l`autrui. Le saint prophete…
La malédiction de l`homosexualité.
By JonSnow0Il y a certains qui pensent que les homosexuelles, les lesbiennes et les amoureux du coït anal, les sodomites, doivent leurs conduites par source hormonale et instinctive. Cette idéologie leur…
The necessity of a reply
By JonSnow0The Holy Prophet SAW taught us passivity and non-violence in the bitterness of life. When the prophet was insulted individually, the Prophet responded to insults with silence. But shariah also…
En honneur du saint prophète Muhammad(SAW)
By JonSnow0Le prophète Muhammad(paix soit sur lui) est l`homme qui a comblé l`humanité de par sa grâce et son sagesse. Il était sage et fort physiquement aussi. On parle très rarement…
L`unité dans la diversité.
By JonSnow0L’Islam est une religion de modération qui peut vivre en parfaite cohésion avec d’autres communautés. Pendant environs 13 ans, le prophète SAW et les musulmans ont passivement subi des atrocités…
La prescription pour la conjonctivite
By JonSnow0Allah ta`ala est le créateur parfait et Il aime la perfection. C`est pour cela qu`Il a créé les choses en équilibre. La chaleur de l`équateur est limitée par les glaces…
Les signes du Jugement selon le Coran
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a créé toutes choses existantes et il a décrété la fin de toutes ces choses. ‘’ Tout ce qui est sur elle -la terre- doit disparaître. Seule subsistera…
L`Istighfaar pour sauver le monde!
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a créé le monde et l`a enrichi et orné de toutes choses. Allah Ta`ala : « C’est Lui (Allah) qui a fermement fixé des montagnes au-dessus de la…
La gravité du suicide.
By JonSnow0Parmi les croyances d`un musulman, il est obligatoire de croire en Allah, son prophète, les livres qu`Il a révélé, les prophètes, les anges, le destin et ainsi le jour du…
L’interdiction des jeux de hasard.
By JonSnow0Chaque année a l`heure de la saison hippique, on voit des milliers de personnes descendre a Port Louis pour se rendre au Champ de Mars. Certains par amour pour les…
L`utilisation du bois de Oud selon le sunnah.
By JonSnow0Le bois de Oud est un bois qui normalement peut être obtenue en Inde, du coter Népal. Mais puisque la demande de ce sunnah est centré en Arabie, donc on…
Importance of Taraweeh during Ramadhaan
By JonSnow01. What is the importance of Taraweeh during Ramadhaan in our shari`ah?2. Hence how many rakaats taraweehs do we have? Answer: 1. Taraweeh is an established `amal outsourced from sunnah…
All on 15th Sha`baan
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has preferred some men over others. Those who have faith in Islam have been preferred over others. And amongst the believers, Allah Ta’ala has preferred the prophets (A.S.).…
Fasting for adults
By JonSnow0Fasting is made farz and obligatory for adults(attained puberty) whole Ramadhaan. The main objective is to attain Allah Ta`ala`s pleasure and Taqwa. Allah Ta`ala said in the holy Qur-aan: ‘’O…
Conseils d`avant Ramadhaan.
By JonSnow0Il est rapporté sous lautorité de Nassai que Usamah Bin Zaid r.a. posa une question au prophète SAW : ‘’Je ne vous a vu jeuner dans un autre mois comme…
Cry! Let's cry in front of our Rabb!
By JonSnow0It is reported on the authority of Muslim that when a baby is born, then Shaitaan comes to him to pinch him. As a baby, we had nothing to express…
Make the change this Ramadhan
By JonSnow0It is reported on the authority of Mustadrak Hakim that once the Prophet SAW told the companions to come near the mimbar. He then ascended the pulpit. When he climbed…
Victoire avec noblesse
By JonSnow0Lhistoire témoigne plusieurs victoires des musulmans pendant le mois de Ramadhaan. Au fait le premier souffle de la foi a commencé pendant le mois de Ramadhaan. Allah Taala dit :…
The moderation of asking and giving.
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala has created night and day for man to know the time of sleeping and the time of standing. ‘’And we made night as a means of resting. And…
The lunar dates issue
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*THE LUNAR DATES ISSUE.*Allah Ta`ala has created the sun and the moon as a means for people of the world to know their respective times and dates. Allah Ta`ala…
The sunnah of dates
By JonSnow0Imagine that you were living before the time of the prophet SAW. Divine scripts have foresaid the coming of the seal of prophethood. So everyone keen to know where he…
Knock! Knock! A beggar at the door!
By JonSnow0Islam has moulded moderation in every aspect of a human life. With imaan on Allah and the last day, muslims fear before harming anyone. The moderation of marriage is set…
The best Ibaadahs during lailatul qadr
By JonSnow0The best Ibaadahs during lailatul qadr are: 1. Salaah. The beloved prophet SAW said: One who stand up (in salaah) during lailatul qadr, with conviction and hope to have reward,…
The sunnahs around Eid-ul-Fitr 1440
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE SUNNAHS AROUND EID-UL-FITR 1440. It is virtuous to spend the Eid night(eve of Eid) in `Ibaadah. Else try to spend part of the night in salaah. Reported…
Le `Eid et l`après Eid
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala a établit la modération dans cet ummah. Il a condamné tout extrémisme et il a établit les pratiques du prophète SAW sur cette modération. Le mois du Ramadhaan…
Salaahs of ladies are at home.
By JonSnow0The beloved prophet Muhammad SAW is the nabi for both men and women. He brought a shariah that defines the responsibilities for both men and women. The Creator of the…
The Sunnah of 'Oud Wood
By JonSnow0`Oud wood is a type of wood found mostly in Eastern India side. It is a perfumed wood that was present at the time of the beloved prophet SAW. The…
Du`as at tahajjud
By JonSnow0Du`as at tahajjud and tasbeeh of Younus a.s. to save the ummah!Many a times we feel sad, stressful and relentless when we hear on the news of our fellow muslim…
BEWARE of E 120 or Carmine.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaBEWARE OF E 120 or CARMINE! E 120 or carmine is a pigment or a red colour obtained by crushing cochineal insects. It is not a secretion of the…
Les barakahs d`avoir beaucoup d`enfants
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala nous a créé en genre masculin et feminin principalement pour la procréation. Et donc Allah Ta`ala veut que lorsqu`un homme est aussitôt responsable et indépendant, alors il doit…
Conseils aux Hajees et non Hajees
By JonSnow0Le Hajj a prit une tournée très serré pendant ces 5 dernières années. Avec la tension glaciale de l`Arabie et l`Iran qui attarde la construction autour du Haram, on est…
The tsunami issue of mechanical slaughtering
By JonSnow0According to shariah, for an animal like bull, goat or chicken to be halaal, a muslim has to slaughter the animal with Bismillah. Need to slit the throat of the…
Notes for the host of Harams, Hajees & Mu'tamirs
By JonSnow0Alhamdulillah, we have been blessed from the All Mighty with His deen. The centre direction and place of return of all muslims is the Ka`bah and the haram. In fact…
THE HEIRS (inheritors)
By JonSnow0THE HEIRS (inheritors): These family members have specific shares prescribed by Shariah. Although some of them may be cancelled or have their shares reduced in the presence of others. So…
The sharing out of inheritance according to Islam
By JonSnow0According to the Qur’an and the Ahadith, it is compulsory for the Muslim to distribute his inheritance in accordance with the Shari`ah. It is therefore his duty to make the…
Five things given to our Ummah
By JonSnow0Hazrat Abu Hurayrah r.a. relates that Rasulullah1 (SAW) said, ” My Ummah were given five things for Ramadhaan which were not given to anyone except them. For them, the smell…
O my Nabi (saw), I am not charlie
By JonSnow0In the very beginning of January this year 2015, around the 10th of Rabi ul Awwal 1436, there was a march and a protest in Germany on the theme against…
L`issue de la transplantation d`organe
By JonSnow0Le corps humain est sacré et c`est un amanah qui nous a été confié. On ne peut pas faire ce que on a envie avec son corps parce que c`est…
Les rites du Hajj et la visite a Madinah Munawarah
By JonSnow0Le Hajj est définie comme l`accomplissement des certains rituels particuliers a la Mecque pendant des jours spécifiques. C`est ainsi que le hajj est accompli principalement pendant les jours de hajj…
The adaab of visiting the beloved Prophet(saw)
By JonSnow0Love is a feeling that centres in the heart. But this feeling drives the body to think of the beloved, to walk towards the beloved and to meet him or…
The Fiqh of jewelleries 1437
By JonSnow0Jewelleries are made for women and not men. As such, men cannot wear earrings, bangles, chains or any adornment. Only a silver ring is allowed for him. The beloved prophet…
The quest for Halal and Tayyib
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala has created human being from some part of the planet earth and destined for him to stay on it for a short span of time. During his stay…
A call for concern and unity of the Ummah
By JonSnow0As it dawns today in Mina, the inert bodies of hujjaaj in their Kafans lay down on earth of the sacred valley. The hujjaj and the ummah ask questions on…
Fasting on 9th Zil Hijjah
By JonSnow0For those celebrating Eid ul Adhaa on Thursday, it is sunnah for them to fast tomorrow, 9th Zil Hijjah, Wednesday 23rd September 2015. The beloved prophet SAW said: ‘’The fast…
La paix de l`Islam
By JonSnow0L`existence et l`évolution de Islam pendant le règne de la domination des idolâtres des Qureishs de la Mecque jusqu`aux gloires de Médine est preuve que l`Islam est une religion qui…
Each country follows its sun and moon please.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala EACH COUNTRY FOLLOWS ITS SUN AND MOON PLEASE.Allah Taala has created the sun and the moon as a means for people of the world to know their respective…
The sunnahs around Eid ul Adhaa 1441
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE SUNNAHS AROUND EID UL ADHAA 1439. Try to spend the Eid night(eve of Eid-ul-Adhaa) in `Ibaadah. Else try to spend part of the night in salaah. Reported…
No blame on Hajj authorities
By JonSnow0After the collective deaths of Hajees, some has taken the angle of blaming the Hajj authorities. In fact, they are wrong. Because the same infrastructures served more Hajees in 2008,…
A call to go in the path of Allah as the earth squeezes
By JonSnow0One of the major concern of our era is the severe closing up of each country`s shores and frontier demarcation. Although plenty of space available, strict visas are required for…
The great importance of Jum'ah salah (for men)
By JonSnow0Amongst the prescriptions of Islam, salaah is the most important injunction for muslims. Five times daily salaah are the protection and sign of faith of muslims. On Fridays specifically, Allah…
The why of the chaotic conditions of the Ummah
By JonSnow0As innocent children are being martyred and abused in the affected areas of conflicts and the dignity of women are being openly raped and tortured. And when bombs are targeting…
Et si la mer était d`encre..
By JonSnow0La mer est une création d`Allah Ta`ala qui contribue au bienfait de l`humanité. Elle est remplie des signes d`Allah pour celui qui penche sur ses merveilles. Allah Ta`ala dit :’’Ne…
The halal moderation
By JonSnow0As the world became industrialised, many haraam listed ingredients cropped in our snacks, chocolates, cakes, etc. The meat industry needed a constant monitoring since machines became more cost officient than…
L`aimable Bye Golah
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala prends la décision d`accorder le bien, la piété et la partage de ce monde selon les qualités qu`offres les êtres humains. Allah Ta`ala dit dans le Coran :…
Du'a lorsque la pluie tombe
By JonSnow0Rapporte de hazrat Aisha r.a. que le saint prophète SAW faisait ce dua lorsque la pluie commençait a tomber : اللَّهُمَّ صَيِّبًا نَافِعًا Allahoumma Swayiban Nafi`an- Bukhari. O Allah,fais que…
Husne Khatimah - A graceful pious ending
By JonSnow0My classrooms in Darul Uloom Zakarrya is the ink source of my pen, Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah I have had marvellous teachers who not only mastered the different sphere of Islamic Education,…
Reviving the sunnah of Hijamah (cupping)
By JonSnow0Hijamah is the extraction of blood directly from the skin by pulling directly from an instrument or by other means of pulling pressures. It is a prescribed sunnah from the…
Warning against those who leave jum'ah without valid excuse
By JonSnow0For an adult man, the obligation of Jum’ah has been made essential in a manner which is more important in the life of a Muslim. The Prophet of Allah warned…
L`ultime importance du Jum`ah
By JonSnow0La sharia a préconisé une prière spéciale pour le vendredi spécifiquement. Lheure de Jumah se situe (dans la fourchette) après le zawaal jusquau fin de lheure de Zuhr. La prière…
*The permissibility of stunning before zabah.
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala *THE PERMISSIBILITY OF STUNNING BEFORE ZABAHBy Halaal Research Committee, 34 SSR st Port Allah Taala has blessed us with a complete deen that need no adjustment until…
Allah: Le défenseur des faibles
By JonSnow0Lhistoire de lhomme témoigne quil y a un être qui défends les plus faibles pour leurs tourner le destin du pouvoir et de la richesse. Il a aidé David contre…
Traveller's diary
By JonSnow0Page 1. Travelling during the prophet`s time was mostly on camels and on foot. They would camp during the heat of the day, eating time and sleeping time. So they…
The sacred month of Rajab
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala created the earth and preferred the land of Makkah. And Allah Ta`ala created time and created the moon and the sun for a reference of time. He set…
The moon and the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw)
By JonSnow0Appreciate the full moon tonight! Allah Ta`ala created the sun and the moon as His two signs(ayahs) roaming in our in our sky. The Qur-aan describe the sun as a…
*If Eid ul Fitr happens to be a friday,then there is definitely Jum'ah also*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala*If Eid ul Fitr happens to be a Friday, then there is definitely Jum`ah also:* *Some non-adhered people advocate that there is no Jum`ah salaah if Eids happen to fall…
*Duas Around The Departure And Arrivals Of Hajis*
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`alaDUAS AROUND THE DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL OF HAJIS: It is sunnah to accompany Hujjaaj until the airport and tell them to do duas for you. وأخرج أحمد عن معاذ…
The Masnoon Dua Formula
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE MASNOON DUAS FORMULA. The chemistry to make a dua easily accepted is to belittle oneself with humility and bring attention in front of Allah-towards the qiblah, convinced…
Notes for Umrah and Hajj
By JonSnow0PROOF OF ANOTHER UMRAH FROM TAN’EEM (Masjid Aisha r.a.) FOR THOSE IN MAKKAH. During your stay in Makkah, although it is better to perform the maximum number of Tawaaf, but…
An insight on 15th Sha`baan 1437
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has preferred some men over others. Those who have faith in Islam have been preferred over others. And amongst the believers, Allah Ta’ala has preferred the prophets (A.S.).…
Importance of Madrassah
By JonSnow0Human kind has always need to learn. Given with sight, audition(ear), tastes, touch and the faculty sense. So human has been created to store in his brain definitions, things that…
Le sunnah de visiter la Palestine
By JonSnow0Le saint prophète Swallallahou Alaihi Wasallam est un modèle parfait pour nous. Allah Taala nous exhorte de lui suive a chaque pas quil a fait: ‘’En effet, vous avez dans…
Sha'baan: the annual closing of our action accounts
By JonSnow0Our mission during this life is to fill our days and nights with good actions. Allah Ta`ala has prescribed us to perform good actions because He Himself will take account…
Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh is proven by Ahadiths
By JonSnow0The salaat-ut-tasbeeh reported by Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah and other books is a salaah that is made of 4 rakaats where we read especially 300 tasbeehs of Soubhanallahi Walhamdulillahi…
The salah and itikaaf of ladies
By JonSnow0The beloved prophet Muhammad Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam is the nabi for both men and women. He brought a shariah that defines the responsibilities for both men and women. The Creator…
The Qur'an and Sunnah are sufficient for us
By JonSnow0Allah Ta`ala said: ‘’ ‘’The one who comes to witness the month (of Ramadhaan), then he should fast.’’ (2:185) Witnessing is to be present in that particular area. أَنَّ ابْنَ…
The deffence of the Ummah
By JonSnow0Be it Palestine, Syria, Myanmar, Central Africa, Bosnia or your current residing place, know that the defence of our household and our wealth resides in the hands of Allah Taala.…
Please send Salaam for me to Rasoolullah (saw)
By JonSnow0It is sunnah and respect to send salaam to someone before addressing him or her for a message or a quest. Reported in Bukhari shareef that when Hazrat Umar bin…
The symbolic sunnah of dates
By JonSnow0Imagine that you were living before the time of the prophet SAW. Divine scripts have foresaid the coming of the seal of prophethood. So everyone keen to know where he…
Women in menses cannot read Qur'an
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala WOMEN DURING MENSES CANNOT READ QUR-AAN.:First of all, know that we are muslims and following the orders of Allah Taala and the sunnah ways of our beloved prophet…
Miscelleneous maslas of Ramadhan 1437
By JonSnow01. It is permissible to start the fast when one is junub. i.e. One had a wet dream or had sexual relation before sehri. So one may take ghusl after…
Importance of fasting Ramadhan
By JonSnow0The major prescription of Ramadhaan is fasting. It is compulsory and incumbent on every muslim male or female, girl or boy that have attained the age of puberty. Allah Ta`ala…
What is the islamic verdict of consuming intestines of halaal animals?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala Question: What is the Islamic verdict of consuming intestines of halaal animals? Some say that it is makrouh, stating a direct comparative analysis with the bladder. Answer, praising…
The fiqh of Muslim naming
By JonSnow0One of the first initiative of Rasouloullah Swalallahou `Alaihi Wasallam`s on meeting someone is to ask the name of that person. And then he would change the name if the…
The virtues of going in the path of Allah
By JonSnow0The virtues of going in the path of Allah excels over other Ibaadahs Although we should not always compare good deeds with one another-because all of them leads to Jannah-but…
The crying is important in the ingredients!
By JonSnow0It is reported on the authority of Muslim that when a baby is born, then Shaitaan comes to him to pinch him. As a baby, we had nothing to express…
Travelling during Ramadhan
By JonSnow0Travelling during Ramadhaan is permissible as per shariah. Going in the path of Allah during Ramadhaan is sunnah. Know that you would become a musafir(traveller) when you undertake to…
The Importance of a daily Hizb
By JonSnow0It is the sunnah of the beloved prophet SAW to set a time of the day and night to read the Qur-aan and to do the zikrullah. It is reported…
The saviour means of this Ummah
By JonSnow0Many a times we feel sad, stressful and relentless when we hear on the news of our fellow muslim brothers and sisters suffering throughout the world. The sadness and concern…
Let us surf on the wave of Ramadhan to continue reading daily salaahs
By JonSnow0Allah Ta’ala has stated: « Verily, salaat (prayer) restrains from shameful and evil deeds. » (29: 45). However, for that salaat to be effective, it must be accomplished at its…
The Sunnah Settings
By JonSnow0The beloved prophet Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam came and brought religious values and perfection of living norms to mankind. He taught us to pray and ask only Allah Taala and also…
The major signs before the day of Qiyamah
By JonSnow0The beloved prophet Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam is a true prophet of Allah(God). Allah Taala sent him as the last prophet before the day of Judgement. The beloved prophet SAW said:…
Have you milked the cow this morning?
By JonSnow0In a village where life turns around the soil and farms, it is important to milk the cow in the morning. Since there are no supermarkets around, the only way…
Are you sure that hajj is not farz on you?
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala ARE YOU SURE THAT HAJJ IS NOT FARZ ON YOU?Allah Ta`ala says in the Glorious Qur-aan: ‘’As a right of Allah, it is obligatory upon the people to…
L'hiver: Le printemps du Musulman
By JonSnow0Alhamdulillah, nous vivons un hiver froid. Cela a soulagé ceux qui souffraient de la chaleur d`été. Beaucoup ont fait beaucoup d`économie parce qu`on n`avait pas besoin des climatiseurs. Le climatiseur…
Le Hajj en perspective
By JonSnow0Le mois de Shawaal est le premier mois de Hajj. Les mois de Hajj sont Shawaal, Zil Qa`dah et les quelques 9 jours du Zil Hajj. C`est à dire que…
Wearing Ihraam at Masjid Aqsa - Jerusalem
By JonSnow0Three reasons why future Hujjaaj are requested to wear their Ihraam at Masjid Aqsa – Jerusalem 1. FORGIVENESS عَنْ أُمِّ سَلَمَةَ، زَوْجِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَتْ: سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ…
Who is Fetullah Gulen?
By JonSnow0Born in Erzurum in 1941Began religious career as Imam delivering Waz /Beyan in 1966Used the Nursi movement in 1970’s to gain fame, power and monetary wealth.He deviated from Said Nursi’s…
By JonSnow0Those in Umrah should take care of eating Watani or meat/chicken slaughtered in Saudi and avoid Brazil and European meat/chicken that are mechanically slaughtered. We gave not yet updated the following list.…
Even hujjaaj should beware of E120 or carmine
By JonSnow0E 120 or carmine is a pigment or a red colour obtained by crushing cochineal insects. It is not a secretion of the insect, but rather it is the body…
The fruitful Maslas of Hajj 1440
By JonSnow0Bismihi Ta`ala THE FRUITFUL MASLAS OF HAJJ 1440.Alhamdulillah, we have been blessed from the All Mighty with His deen. The centre direction and place of return of all muslims is…
Steps of the Mubarak path road of Hajj
By JonSnow0Hajj is important to Allah Ta`ala and the prophets. Allah Ta`ala mentions it as the most important event of the Hijri calendar: ‘’They ask you about the new moons. Say:…