Adultrous Games

Bismihi Ta’ala
*Be it Olympics or main Sports events, unfortunately officials have set adultery in the background of these games. These games are encouraged in a completely free sex environment whereby sport participants, fans and spectators are all engrossedly indulged.*
*Lately, when the islands of Indian Ocean got together to play the games, then durex became the main official advertisers of games. As if there are intimate games after the stadium games.*
*We warn the muslim boys and girls against adultery because it is a lifelong stain. Many middle age nowadays face the wreck full consequences of adultery.*
*Adultery is such a sin that has direct impact on the life-shell of imaan and Islam itself. The beloved prophet Swalallahou Alaihi Wasallam said that he is from a progeny right from Adam a.s. without zina/adultery.*
*Shirk may have existed in his grand parents*, *but none of them committed adultery.*
*Young and others, please save yourself and your children from the wrath of adultery.*
 Mufti Mackoojee